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Character Sheet Requests

Hi This request is for the creator of the BECMI D&D character sheet. We LOVE this character sheet for our D&D game, but were hoping that an update could be done to add to the Class tab a blank field for Custom Class Abilities. We use a few custom character classes, and would like a field on the Class tab that allows us to write in the special abilities of our custom classes. (Not sure if this is the best way to reach whoever designed the BECMI D&D character sheet, but if anyone has any suggestions how I could find out who they are and contact them directly, it would be much appreciated.)
Sheet Author
Hi Irondrake, looks like the last update to the sheet( #9756 ) was graciously done by BiscuitCookie .  You might try sending a polite PM.  Cheers
Hi,     Would this be the correct place to request a Spy Game character sheet? It's very closely based off of D&D 5E. I don't know what details a sheet developer would require, please message me and I'll answer whatever I can. Thanks!
vÍnce said: Hi Irondrake, looks like the last update to the sheet( #9756 ) was graciously done by BiscuitCookie .  You might try sending a polite PM.  Cheers Hi vince, I did reach out to BiscuitCookie, and had a very nice exchange with him. Unfortunately he no longer has access to the tools needed to make major changes to character sheets, but offered a suggestion that I am going to look into. Thanks for the reply!
Putting a request for a character sheet for the Mecha Hack. I know this one is one the list and want to boost it up. As a mecha enthusiast this is absolutely the best system that captures the pilot and robot meshing in gameplay. It's a very simple d20 system based on the Black Hack (which is already in Roll20) but even simpler with 4 skills vs 6. Here's a link to the character sheet: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. I'm also willing to buy the PDF for anyone creating the sheet. The system is 40 pages long.&nbsp;
I was wondering if it would be possible to get updated sheets for the Cyberpunk 2020 system as the current sheets available seem lacking or buggy in terms of functionality or require tinkering around with unsafe scripts to get to display and work correctly. There is also no copy of the included Cyberdeck sheets which would be a nice little bonus. Sorry if this is pushy, and there is no rush on it, but I would like to see a more functional version of the sheet.
Sheet Author
On behalf of Bentallica 44 L. (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) New Sheet Request System: LexOccultum Sheet Image: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
David said: Cretino said: I have a new version of the Iron Kingdoms RPG sheet that I would like to upload, but I don't have the proper access (I'm a Free User). Does anybody here take requests to upload sheets? Sheets aren't "uploaded" they have to be recreated with HTML/CCS/Javascript there is a community sheet already so unless the publishers of Iron Kingdom back one or have Roll20 create&nbsp; one it's unlikely there will be another one.&nbsp; To bad that sheet doesn't work. The Ability tab inside the sheet is uneditable so you cant add anything to it same thing with skills, you can click on skill names but not add actual numbers so the sheet is broken.&nbsp; So even if people in the community made a new one there is no way to replace the broken one?
Sheet Author
Sturmcrow said: David said: Cretino said: I have a new version of the Iron Kingdoms RPG sheet that I would like to upload, but I don't have the proper access (I'm a Free User). Does anybody here take requests to upload sheets? Sheets aren't "uploaded" they have to be recreated with HTML/CCS/Javascript there is a community sheet already so unless the publishers of Iron Kingdom back one or have Roll20 create&nbsp; one it's unlikely there will be another one.&nbsp; To bad that sheet doesn't work. The Ability tab inside the sheet is uneditable so you cant add anything to it same thing with skills, you can click on skill names but not add actual numbers so the sheet is broken.&nbsp; So even if people in the community made a new one there is no way to replace the broken one? Click the hide/show and then Military or Occupation. Try pressing buttons.
Would be fun to have a character sheet for Broken Compass by Two Little Mice, maybe one modern- and one 30s-style.
Hello all! There's a cool system that needs an character sheet. Ghastly Affairs is a Victorian/Supernatural system by Engine of Oracles.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;Here's the link for the main content and...&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;Here's the sheets (Main Character/Secondary Character/NPC.)&nbsp; Thank you!
So has anyone come across Corporation RPG from Brutal Games / Mongoose?&nbsp; It is a seriously cool neo-cyberpunk game set in 2500 with a really simple 2d10 system with a really cool background and lore.&nbsp; As it is simply a 2d10 with a TN of Stat plus Skill it's really quick and easy to write the dice rolls but a sheet would be amazing.&nbsp; What are the chances?
Ingo K. said: Would be fun to have a character sheet for Broken Compass by Two Little Mice, maybe one modern- and one 30s-style. There are several variant themes for this game.&nbsp; But they all have the same mechanic, so I don't know how important the different styles would be.&nbsp; The "yatzee" style of dice rolling may be tricky to get into a macro, but it would be pretty easy to play with a straight dice roller. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Hi! First time posting in here but requesting a sheet for Animon Story. It's a Digmon/Pokemon/Monster Rancher style game. Their website is here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>&nbsp; And the Sheet is here.&nbsp; Let me know if you need any other information! Thanks!
Hey i'm looking for someone know how to create a custom caracter sheet, i want a fully custom like a said if you can help me on that you can directly contact me in dm (i pay for this)
Richard T.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Hey Jeremy, Do you have a budget related to the project?&nbsp;
Would anyone be willing to make a sheet for Mountain Home? My desire for a Dwarf Fortress game runs strong!
Hello, I'm in need of someone with better skills than I have to help make a custom sheet for a game. I literally have everything else ready I just need the sheet. I have a template created the stats worked out I just need help with this. So if there's anyone who willing to help I'll be grateful.
Hi, I wonder if the Honey Heist sheet creator was successfully contacted and willing to have the new sheet integrated into Roll20? Thanks for the help! PJ said: Hi and thank you for the reply. I did see the existing Honey Heist sheet but as you said it is rather bare-bones and this new version is delightful complete with auto-generated bear portraits, and the Criminal-Bear slider supporting having one value change accordingly when the other is modified! I hope the creator is willing to have it included. Andreas J. said: ahaldar said: Please may I request this character sheet for Honey Heist to be added as a community sheet: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Oh, that's a nice find. I could contact the sheet creator and ask permission to upload it to Roll20. That github repo have no license so, can't just copy and upload it to Roll20's repo without asking permission. I noticed there already exists a Honey Heist Roll20 sheet in the dropdown . Are you requesting the other one to be added bc the existing one is too simple, or did you just not notice it?
For some reason, the Aquelarre sheet currently present on Roll20 is either mistranslated or relates to a different edition to Aquelarre. Some of the things in the code work differently, the sheet needs to be redone from the bottom up or whatever the expression in English is. (((Mike D))) said: I second that!&nbsp; Aquelarre has a GitHub Repository and a Sheet Author (Kinower) who once offered to translate his ficha into English.&nbsp; So I wrote Jennifer Wieck at Nocturnal and Ricardo at Nosolorol.&nbsp; They said sure - go ahead, translate to your hearts content.&nbsp; Problem is Kinower stopped responding to my correspondence.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;We need a sheet author, someone on GitHub who's handy with HTML to simply translate some field lists into English.&nbsp; This shouldn't be difficult.&nbsp; Or hey, maybe it's fiendishly difficult - I don't speak HTML!&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Does anyone have a clue here? citard (P) said: I would like to request an English &nbsp;version of the Aquelarre sheet. There is already a Spanish version , but not only Spanish-speakers play the game now. I would also like to request a Fists and .45s! character sheet.
I would like to request a sheet for Dark Souls: The Roleplaying Game , however it's not out for the Americans yet, where the majority of people in the TRPG hobby are. When it is released, however, it should be quite easy, since the system is apparently based on D&amp;D 5e.
As I said to Mike, the Aquelarre sheet functions a bit differently from how the game functions, for some odd reason. It needs redoing, or at least someone who's read the book needs to have a little look at it. Kevin said: Maybe I'm looking at the wrong thing, but: when I create a new game with the Aquelarre community sheet, any character sheets I make display in English. There's an English translation file in the Github repo's translations directory for Aquelarre. I'm assuming that I'm seeing this because I have my Roll20 language preference set to English. (I feel confident about this; I set my language temporarily to French, for which there's no Aquelarre sheet translation, and the sheet was displayed in the default Spanish--per the French translation file.) (((Mike D))) said: I second that!&nbsp; Aquelarre has a GitHub Repository and a Sheet Author (Kinower) who once offered to translate his ficha into English.&nbsp; So I wrote Jennifer Wieck at Nocturnal and Ricardo at Nosolorol.&nbsp; They said sure - go ahead, translate to your hearts content.&nbsp; Problem is Kinower stopped responding to my correspondence.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;We need a sheet author, someone on GitHub who's handy with HTML to simply translate some field lists into English.&nbsp; This shouldn't be difficult.&nbsp; Or hey, maybe it's fiendishly difficult - I don't speak HTML!&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Does anyone have a clue here? citard (P) said: I would like to request an English &nbsp;version of the Aquelarre sheet. There is already a Spanish version , but not only Spanish-speakers play the game now. I would also like to request a Fists and .45s! character sheet.
Sheet Author
citard (P) said: As I said to Mike, the Aquelarre sheet functions a bit differently from how the game functions, for some odd reason. It needs redoing, or at least someone who's read the book needs to have a little look at it. Explain what the differences are.
I dunno if this is forbidden or anything, and I'll delete if this post breaks the rules, but are we really gonna have to wait until DECEMBER to get GI Joe and Transformers Roll20 sheets?!&nbsp; Is there any possible way a community sheet might exist before the official release?&nbsp; I am just curious.
citard (P) said: I would like to request a sheet for Dark Souls: The Roleplaying Game , however it's not out for the Americans yet, where the majority of people in the TRPG hobby are. When it is released, however, it should be quite easy, since the system is apparently based on D&amp;D 5e. I second that. I even have a copy of their character sheet if anyone willing to convert this for roll20 needs it

Edited 1649120194
Another request for a Worlds Without Number sheet here. I made some very basic tweaks to the Stars Without Number sheet, to make it serviceable in a rudimentary way, for magic users. It didn't take much to make the selection between Magister or Arcanist show 2 effort boxes that don't share tags, along with an ability list (for arts) and spellslots + spell list (if you pick magister). It's extremely rudimentary and requires player input to set total effort score, but good enough to keep track of the stats. I won't release the code out of respect to the original creator of the SWN sheet and because the changes I made are janky at best. But, if you have at least a little bit of knowledge of HTML, it's easy to make something that's workable, with a little bit of time spent fiddling. I hope someone will make a quality sheet for WWN or a quality combined sheet soon! &lt;3 Suggestion for the sheet builder: If you make a combined sheet, I would like for the headers to be a dark red with white text when you switch to the WWN sheet. This will make it easier to see what sheet you are using. When it comes to magic, the WWN magic system is way more fleshed out tham the SWN system, but still functions within the fundamental OSR/SWN ruleset. It should be easy to implement these changes to the CSS and sheet HTML files, if you are an experienced sheet developer (unlike me).
For a long time, I used one pattern of the character sheet for savage worlds (Savage Worlds Authors:Josiah Bradbury) and my characters and heroes in sessions were created based on this sheet ... Now this pattern has a crash. at the background should be an old paper pattern but now there is "not image" icon as background on ability layers in a character sheet. I am asking for: 1. clue/hint on how to remove this background there showing no image. w/o this I could use this pattern. 2. suggestion for the best way( could be a guideline ) on how to restore working character sheet pattern 3. guide how to transfer my objects with features to a new character template. I have tried to move information about characters to a new pattern but all information has been lost so I had to recreate the same heroes but in a new pattern step by step. Pictures with issue NOK &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; Past view (what did it look like) some1 can help me ?
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Kacper D. said: For a long time, I used one pattern of the character sheet for savage worlds (Savage Worlds Authors:Josiah Bradbury) and my characters and heroes in sessions were created based on this sheet .... some1 can help me ? If anyone does want to take a stab at it, here is a usable, license free image. But as I said in the original thread this came from, my&nbsp; strong &nbsp;recommendation would be to switch to the official sheet by Pinnacle. Abandoned sheets break down, do not take advantage of the latest features, and rarely are worth the effort of patching.
Sheet Author
Kacper D. said: For a long time, I used one pattern of the character sheet for savage worlds (Savage Worlds Authors:Josiah Bradbury) and my characters and heroes in sessions were created based on this sheet ... Now this pattern has a crash. at the background should be an old paper pattern but now there is "not image" icon as background on ability layers in a character sheet. I am asking for: 1. clue/hint on how to remove this background there showing no image. w/o this I could use this pattern. 2. suggestion for the best way( could be a guideline ) on how to restore working character sheet pattern 3. guide how to transfer my objects with features to a new character template. I have tried to move information about characters to a new pattern but all information has been lost so I had to recreate the same heroes but in a new pattern step by step. Pictures with issue NOK &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; Past view (what did it look like) some1 can help me ? I put a pull request in replace the image let's see if that works. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
A sheet for Private Eye (Redaktion Phantastik) would be really nice to have! Including the option to roll / count for Character Creation.
I would love the see a long and short rest button put on 5e OGL sheets without having to use an API if possible.
Sheet Author
Vampiregoat69 said: I would love the see a long and short rest button put on 5e OGL sheets without having to use an API if possible. Those already exist.&nbsp; You just need to enable them in the settings tab if you want them.
Mark M. said: Ingo K. said: Would be fun to have a character sheet for Broken Compass by Two Little Mice, maybe one modern- and one 30s-style. There are several variant themes for this game.&nbsp; But they all have the same mechanic, so I don't know how important the different styles would be.&nbsp; The "yatzee" style of dice rolling may be tricky to get into a macro, but it would be pretty easy to play with a straight dice roller. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I can't find a roll20 sheet here. The dice rolling is quite simple, but having roll20 interpret the results is the challenge. But maybe that is not necessary, as roll result are readily readable and can be interpeted by the players. Yet, a character sheet for roll20 would be nice.

Edited 1649925187
I found some sheets for Ubiquity (HEX, All for One, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen). But has anyone done a Space:1889 &nbsp;Ubiquity sheet for roll20? That would be cool!
Would it be possible to get sheets for Mountain Home?&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;I'd love to run a dwarf campaign with this system.
Hello everyone, I would like to apply for a character sheet for the rpg GAIA COMPLEX. It is a cyberpunk game with an original system called "12.3" working with D12. The quickstart is free and it gives a good idea of how the game works: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Thanks in advance,
Sheet for Private Eye looks like this: The system is very similar to that of Cthulhu. But there are neither bonus nor penalty dice, instead there are bonuses or mali on the skill value. Each skill is assigned to an attribute and depending on the attribute value there are bonuses or mali on the respective skill. The dice are rolled - as in Cthulhu - with 2d10 or 1d100 and you have to underroll the dice in each case.

Edited 1650744298
There is a game system by RIOTMINDs that I would love to see on here, same company that made Drakar Och Demoner and Trudvang Chronicles. Ruin Masters is a 1d100 that uses a modified BRP system, a new take on Old-School 1d100 Fantasy Roleplaying. I will purchase a PDF of the Core Rulebook for you if you choose to do so. I have talked to the developers about my intention to get the ball rolling on this project, and I can also link you to their discord, should you want to contact them directly outside of the Contact Us function on their website. I have not personally played it using a VTT yet, but I am thinking that any Basic Roleplay, Trudvang Chronicles, Mythras, and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay may have some overlapping macros to use. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I hope people take interest in this kind of d100 Fantasy Roleplaying system. If you need anymore details, message me or reply.
So, can someone make sheets for Cy_Borg and Fall of Delta Green
Could someone possibly either fix the Reign 1E sheet or contact the author to fix it? It seems to be pretty borked.
Sheet Author
Morgan M. said: Could someone possibly either fix the Reign 1E sheet or contact the author to fix it? It seems to be pretty borked. The author <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Any chance anyone would want to take a crack at the Konosuba character sheet? It's based on Arianrhod 2e, and there's a fan sheet for that here already, so some of the work is already sort of done!
Sheet Author
Ingo K. said: I found some sheets for Ubiquity (HEX, All for One, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen). But has anyone done a Space:1889 &nbsp;Ubiquity sheet for roll20? That would be cool! I did one some days ago. At the moment it's waiting for the review process.
I will give your choice of a free thumbs up or crisp high five if anyone wanted to add in a character sheet for Nightfell.&nbsp; Based on D&amp;D 5e.&nbsp; I'm waaaaay too lazy to try it myself.&nbsp; High five!&nbsp; The biggest differences are phases of the moon and soul points.&nbsp; Probably could use regular 5e sheet and just add in the features / traits section, but figured i'd see if anyone could create using these.&nbsp; That would be swell.&nbsp; Thanks! &nbsp;
Hi. First time posting, but I would really appreciate (and would be willing to pay) for someone to add the new Pokerole 2.0 character sheet (Specifically the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon one). The link to the website is here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> . And the Character sheet is below. Please let me know if you need anymore information or if I can help in any way. Thanks!
Hello. First time requesting this. I am looking for someone to turn a character sheet for Ruin 3d6 into a custom sheet on roll20. Feel free to reach out to me. Here are the sheets. &nbsp;