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Can we add support for WebP files please

Score + 269
They have been supported by all major browsers for years. I just used one to convert a map from 8 to 1 MB, no visible difference. This is a massive space saver and bandwidth saver, also easier on bad connections trying to load it.

Edited 1642136358
Yes! Please! Please! This is definitely one of those "it's a bug that this isn't supported already" sort of issues. It should be. The idea that you could... if you got support for displaying it (without the issues occurring in the Library) functioning well to start with... implement client-side lossy compression into WebP from other formats to save your servers' capacity and bandwidth a considerable amount of load. You know, as an option. A default one even. Doesn't that sound appealing, on both player satisfaction and operating savings?
It might be cynical of me but I wonder if really the reason its not implemented is that less people would run out of their free storage space
Upvote please. webp natively supported in GIMP, so makes animating maps et al much easier.  There is no downside. 
I've shared it to my groups most of them dont understand why it matters but.... "This will make your DMs life easier" is usually enough to get players to click an upvote button
Yes please. The format is just superior in every way. The files are smaller (especially when compressing lossless), they can be transparent and animated.
+1 updoot

Edited 1649379966
Marketplace Creator
I've been asking for this as a Marketplace Creator since I signed up.  Even the forums don't allow WEBP uploads yet so you'll have to click the link to see the other half of this crazy token I drew. webp In its actual full resolution undivided PNG form it's about 1.67 MB, but the lossless WEBP version is only 982 KB (about 59% the file size).
Here to upvote webp as well, nearly every transparent image you see on the web everywhere else is now being transcoded from PNG to WEBP because of the filze size improvements (it's effectively transparent jpeg). Telegram instant messenger does this for its sticker packs too, which might as well be roll20 token collections.
This, 100%. It would make things so much easier for us GMs.
Bring upon us WEBP
please do this!
100% this. Especially since more and more sites and sources are converting their own images to .webp formats, it's becoming more and more difficult/tedious to get assets that will work in Roll20.

Edited 1653143221
Upvoting as well, easily 50-60% of the maps I get are in webp format and it's such a pain converting them. That and Webp being an incredible tool to save space it's a pretty obvious inclusion
+1 ive been using a ton of GIF's in my current maps but WebP would be such a useful tool and maybe tackle to bloat you can get from multiple files 
+1 On board with this.
Does Roll20 ever reply to these things?
Rach said: Does Roll20 ever reply to these things? Sometimes, though I imagine this thread needs to get more upvotes to gain their attention. 
Rach said: Does Roll20 ever reply to these things? Rarely, in my experience.
WebP will make my job so much easier being able to render animated token frames with opacity. right now a GIF only renders at 0% or 100% opacity so things like mist or fire don't look very nice, and WebM video isn't a looping file like GIF and WebP so when you use it as a token frame it stutters and drops frames to playback the animation I support adding WebP
+1   not supporting webP & WebM are a main reason I am considering leaving roll20 for Foundry VTT
John D. said: +1   not supporting webP & WebM are a main reason I am considering leaving roll20 for Foundry VTT Same here, this is ridiculous 
+1 here, but I've found it simple enough to use a simple web based converter to retain webp translucence.
Eventually we won't be able to use much internet art at all since it will all be converted to better format unsupported by roll20
Just giving this a bump to stay alive, hope they address this issue soon 
Here to say I'm shocked that Roll20 still doesn't support webp.  This is not 2010 anymore, folks.  It would save *roll20* an immense amount of space and bandwidth.
+1 More and more sites are now converting images to webp if you upload in a different format, which means we need to download them and then export them as a new file type before uploading. This problem is growing, not shrinking, as webp is making up more and more of the "image format market share".
+1 this even though they never listen to the community
+1 -- at what point does the mass movement/responses actually get prioritized? :)
Sheet Author
Bill Nielsen said: +1 -- at what point does the mass movement/responses actually get prioritized? :) If only they posted info like that somewhere, like a pinned thread at the top of the forum or something...&nbsp; :p <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Bill Nielsen said: +1 -- at what point does the mass movement/responses actually get prioritized? :) According to the FAQ " As Suggestions &amp; Ideas approach 200 votes , the Roll20 Team will categorize and comment on the idea them. " so, I guess all we can do is share this around to people, get your buddies to upvote the thread to add attention
Hello, i released a chrome extension to workaround with the .webp file format until the Roll20 Team answer to this topic ^^ Say me if theres an issue. (I did a small update to support folders in imported assets that I forgot about but the Google Team take 3/4 days to check if an extension is safe so you'll have to wait a bit for that addition) <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
With the new Upvote feature, don't forget to use you're vote if your a plus or pro member. Hopefully that can boost the score so the devs and more users see this suggestion.