My buddies running a game using hero points and he has all our points on an intro page(map). I was wondering if it were possible to link a bit of text on the page to our sheets to have our points auto-update between the two so he doesn't have to switch pages every time he updates it. Here's what I'm trying to 1. DM ADD POINTS -Press Macro -Choose character from list -Change certain amount of points -Have those points update on character sheet and text on welcome page 2. PLAYER USE POINTS -Press Macro -Enter amount to use -Have points update on sheet and text on welcome page I do know about ChatSetAttr and am trying to use it for this. Anyone help with this would be amazing! UPDATE: I have a DM version and a player version that will change the sheets, but I still haven't figured out how to change the text object on a page. I also can't figure out a way for the playername at the end of the DM script to auto-populate the chosen character in the drop down query and I can't get the Player script to choose self for charid. DM Script: /em &{template:default} {{name=Advernture Points}} !modattr --silent --charid ?{Player| PlayerName , charid | PlayerName , charid } --hero_points|{{Hero Points= [[?{Amount to give|0}]]}}!!! {{Player= playername }} Player Script: /em &{template:default} {{name=Advernture Points}} !modattr --silent --charid ?{Player| PlayerName , charid | PlayerName , charid } --hero_points|{{Hero Points= [[-?{Amount to use|0}]]}}!!! {{What for:=?{What for|Healing|Spell Slot|d20 Roll|Leveling}}}