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VTT keeps crashing


Edited 1662287653
Welcome to the new Roll20 Virtual Tabletop: Yes it's Chrome. Yes I'm running one darkmode plugin. No I'm not going to turn it off and test it.  I pay you.  You test it. The crashes seem to happen when a character sheet is open.
Im also having serious lag, the second I update a token - it freezes up on me. I hit refresh and its stuck on waiting for server....
Novercalis, are you using Firefox by any chance? If so, under Firefox > Preferences > Privacy and Security > Forms and Autofill, is Autofill Addresses checked? If so, and you uncheck it, does the lag on token updating go away? That turned out to be my own lag cause a couple of years ago. (After the change, editing hit points via the token bubble changed from a five-second process to a nearly instantaneous one). It's a slim possibility, but something to check.
Same issue - random crashes, no pattern I've seen. I've tried shutting of dynamic lighting, sound, and used different games, same result.  Chrome, Darkmode. I was having this issue before Darkmode was rolled out. Seems like it started maybe two weeks ago. 
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Those of you suffering the "Aw Snap" crash, it seems from reports to be a Chrome issue so far. Are you on Mac or Windows? Anybody getting consistent "Aw Snaps" on Firefox? I have had it many times on Mac/Chrome. 

Edited 1662400598
Crashes every 30 minutes or so now. Sometimes it even crashes when refreshing from a crash.