Having a problem I’m hoping the community sized brain here can
help fix. For the purposes of transparency, I am not a coder by any stretch of the
imagination; I do a lot of copy/pasta and try to finagle small fixes by trial
and error. Recently I went from a Plus account to a Pro account for access to the
Scripts available for automating game functions. Much of the impetus for this
came from watching a large number of YouTube videos made by Mr. Nick Olivo
(long may he reign). For this entreaty, I focus on his video "Building a
Wildshape Macro via TokenMod in Roll20", posted on Jul
21, 2022 . It was clear, concise,
informative, and seemed to work flawlessly, so I adopted it – copying the
script he placed in the video description. To be careful of potential data
contamination, I pasted this script into my copy of Notepad++ to ensure it was
stripped down to pure text only. I followed all the other setup instructions
given in the video (create rollable table with tokens, etc., etc.). I then made
alterations to Mr. Olivo’s script to detail it for the druid character for whom
I intended its use. Mr. Olivo’s copy looks like this: !token-mod {{ --set has_bright_light_vision#yes showname#yes
?{Wildshape |Dire Wolf,currentside#1 scale#2u represents#@{Dire
Wolf|character_id} bar1_link#hp
bar2_link#npc_ac bar3_link#npc_speed bar1_reset# name#'Ahlrush Dire
Wolf' has_night_vision#yes night_vision_distance#30 |Draft Horse,currentside#2
scale#2u represents#@{Draft Horse|character_id} bar1_link#hp bar2_link#npc_ac
bar3_link#npc_speed bar1_reset# name#'Ahlrush Draft Horse' has_night_vision#no
|Ahlrush,currentside#3 scale#1u represents#@{Ahlrush|character_id} bar1_link#hp
bar2_link#ac bar3_link#passive_wisdom name#'Ahlrush' has_night_vision#no} }} Here is a verbatim copy of the final result as I tried using it: !token-mod {{ --set
has_bright_light_vision#yes showname#yes ?{Wildshape |Deer,currentside#1 scale#2u
represents#@{WS Deer|character_id} bar1_link#npc_ac bar2_link#npc_speed
bar3_link#hp bar3_reset# name#'Tynari Deer' has_night_vision#no |Owl,currentside#2
scale#.5u represents#@{WS Owl|character_id} bar1_link#npc_ac
bar2_link#npc_speed bar3_link#hp bar3_reset# name#'Tynari Owl'
has_night_vision#yes night_vision-distance#120 |Tynari,currentside#3 scale#1u
represents#@{Tynari|character_id} bar1_link#ac bar2_link#speed bar3_link#hp
name#'Tynari' has_night_vision#yes night_vision_distance#60} }} My version doesn’t work
right. On first test – prior to associating the token to the player character
sheet – I get good changes one time and one time only. Clicking on animal shape
1 comes up with good data from its correct sheet where it’s supposed to be.
Going to animal shape 2, same. Going to Druid shape same. After that, things
get bizarre. Going back to animal shape 1, something in the data changes.
Either the hp or speed of the animal shape 1 token is no longer properly
associated with the sheet for that shape; the hp and/or speed now come from the
animal shape 2 sheet. Flipping to animal shape 2, I get a mix of animal sheet 1
and original druid sheet 3 data (usually hp from one and speed from the other –
though not consistently). And… weirdest of all, all data points that come up incorrectly have been
actually changed on all three referenced character sheets. I have to do a
manual correction to those sheets each time, prior to retesting. I have checked
spacing, punctuation, etc., etc., etc., any number of times. I’ve made sure I
use Notepad++ so I get pure text-only. I can find *no* reason why this is
happening. I brought the matter to
Mr. Olivo’s attention. He replied that he had, indeed, managed to “reproduce
the issue”, but wasn’t sure of the cause. He suggested I try posting the matter
here in hopes that someone can figure it out and provide a fix or a reason why
it just won’t work. He authorized me to reference his comments.
Thanks for any attention.