keithcurtis said: Hi Tommi! Could: A) another player in the new game have sent the game address? B) you have duplicated the old game and included the player list? That does sound weird, though. A) No, nobody did (to my knowledge, have to double check). B) No, I haven't duplicated that game. It is very weird. This occurred as we were playing another game and the player in question, who is not very experienced with Roll20, asked why he was in a stange, different game. SOmehow he had managed to enter the other game of mine, which we were not playing at the moment and to which he was not invited (and that game is on hiatus, last played some 2 years ago). A bit before this, I was having problems with the Chrome browser, getting an error message about Ghostery app or something. DIdn't catch it well as I was running/GMing our game and was in the middle of describing a scene. Before this I had been experiencing a strange lag with my computer, not having had suych problems before at all, which eventually led to Roll20 and Discord and whole Windows 10 going into perpetual lag as I was changing map levels in Roll20. Had to reboot. For awhile I though WIndows had started to update itself on its own or something. But no. After the reboot everything was back to normal. HOwever, for some reason this player in now listed as a player in the other game to which I did not send an invite to him.