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Grid size for large maps

I have some rather large maps I wanted to use. Currently I am jsut makeing them in sections and taking the player tab from one area to the next. I was wondering if there was a way to use the full map. As in BOOM the whole map is on the page in like 70%-100%. This would save a ton of work for me keeping up which hall leads into which room and which darn tab I put said room under. Working on thunderspire labyrinth and as you can imagine I have a ton of maps to do. 
Are you creating the maps from scratch or using screen shots of PDF's or scans?
PDFs. Cartographers guild stuff. Found some maps for Keep on the Shadowfell and if you have ever seen it you know it is a big ass map. So rather than all that switching I was hoping I could jsut plop down on big map lay out all my encounters and turn on Dynamic lighting.
Forum Champion
David, Im not sure I understand your question. You can upload any map you wish (assuming it is under the 5 MB limit). Could you clarify your question?  - Gauss
There's a limit to the number of squares on each side of the grid, I believe. Many external maps are too large to fit within those limits at a sane scale.
Forum Champion
Lydia, all you need to do is resize the map. There really is no limit to map size (that I am aware of). Go to the Page Toolbar (blue icon in the top right corner) Then go to Page Settings for the map you wish to change (icon that looks like a white cog on a blue field) Then change the Page Size (first setting) and save.  - Gauss
Ah, thanks. Apparently "page size" means something different than what I thought it did. :-) (I think of that as "grid size".)
Forum Champion
Well, that resizes the 'canvas' the maps are on. Then you can resize the map to any size you wish.  So if you have a map that is larger than your canvas, resize the canvas (Page Size).  Then, resize the map.  If you want the grid to be smaller or larger you can change the grid size (right above the 'diagonals' setting). I try to keep the grid size to 1 unit because unit sizes other than 1 create odd measurements using the pathfinder measurement tool.  Example:  I have a map which is 3500 by 3500 pixels (using numbers divisible by 70 for simplicity). Dividing that by 70 gives me a page size of 50 by 50. However, the grid on my map is 140 by 140 pixels. To match I set the grid size to 2 units (2*70 = 140). I hope this makes sense. :) - Gauss
I never noticed that changing unit size messes with how Pathfinder measures distance diagonally. Doh!
Woot, ty Gauss.