Gauss said: Could you supply more information? Starting setup? Steps to reproduce? What are the issues with spells? (1) The first problem is in my " Princes of the Apocalypse " game set up from the one I bought from Roll 20, so it's the standard game as supplied. I set up all the characters in the game using the Charactermancer (or the players did), and until now there has been no problem with them. Or no real problem, nothing I couldn't manage as GM. This time Eldritch Knight and Path of the Beast Barbarian went up a level. This is post the move of the Charactermancer to the new position. Barbarian had no problems except that his hit points disappeared, but the Eldritch Knight player tried to use the Charactermancer (and bearing in mind that it wasn't me doing this so I have no idea what she actually did) ended up going up two levels when she should have had only one, and jumped to seventh level when she should have been sixth. Plus, she somehow managed to get 93 hit points, which is impossible at either sixth or seventh level given her stats. That took some unpicking. The College of Swords Bard level 5 has only 23 hit points, but I'm not sure if he's been rolling hit points or taking averages. If he's been taking averages (which is what I advise players to do) he seems to have too few. (2) In my " Tomb of Annihilation " game, one of my players, the Circle of the Land Druid level 4 had an issue with spells not working properly. When he cast "Produce Flame", the information for "Cure Wounds" would appear in the chat. I resolved that myself by deleting the spells and dragging them back onto the character sheet from the compendium. So happy days, but I hope it doesn't happen again. The Charactermancer really messed up the Battlemaster Fighter, removed all his hit points (something which keeps on happening on other characters, too) and wouldn't complete properly. We had to uplift him manually. The other issue with spells is that the Charactermancer seems to decide how many spells a character gets when they level up randomly. Sometimes too many (when you check the book) and often too few. (3) I also updated to the latest Dynamic Lighting, and that caused all my maps to go black for all the players on both games, and I had to reverse the process. That was a pain and I wondered if it was because both "Princes" and "Tomb" had been written with a previous Dynamic Lighting in mind.