Hey new players and old players alike, Summary: Who: 3-5 players, new players or old, with the PHB What: A generic 5th level dungeon crawl. When: Saturday mornings EST, specifics to be determined by interested party. Where: Underground, for a 2 floor dungeon crawl Why: Because sometimes you just want to go back to the simple stuff (Also, this is a great way to get started if your new) How: Voice chat Are you looking for a nice dungeon crawl? Join me on Saturday mornings (EST) (Specific times to be determined by interested parties) for a nice dungeon crawl. This will be almost entirely based on the PHB and DMG. Only bit of homebrew here will be how I handle combat, which is a new system I am developing. Actions are the same in combat, I just pace things different to speed things along. Interested? Let me know below! Thanks for taking time to consider, Joshua