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[LFG/DM] [Player][GMT] Pathfinder1/2, 3.5/5e (availability listed in OP - and it is *Strict*)

My availability is *Only* as follows: Mondays: All day from 11am to midnight - Tuesdays: 11am to midnight - Wednesdays: 11am to 4pm - Thursdays: 11am to 4pm - Fridays: 11am to 4pm As implied these times are NON-NEGOTIABLE and GMT TZ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Looking to play: 5e: Mad Mage/ToA/Frostmaiden/DIA/ - Pathfinder: Any - 3.5: Any Pathfinder and 3.5 are preferred as i have had no experience with them and heard they are amazing Either DM me here or respond to this thread, thankyou

Edited 1673468974
Im an EU-based player, if you find a DM for pathfinder 1e or 3.5 Im very interested I could also be interested in rotating DM
ooohhh west marches style rotation? (and maybe world as well) that would be cool, haven't played west marches-esqu in years
My DM-style isnt for everyone (alot of theatre of the mind and international players usually tell me its not prefered to play that way 98% of the time).  But if you are open to try it out we can give it a go?
i am no stranger to ToM won't know if i like you until we try ;) but west marches has been a while so might take a session or two to ease back in
I could DM you in a solo-adventure as a oneshot to see if we are a good fit other pathfinder 1e DMs ready to play EU-friendly hours are also welcome
cool, but i personally would need to learn those systems myself - which is why i ask to play in a campaign, you may DM me details as you wish