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Game quits for no reason

Has anyone else experienced this? Game quits suddenly, for no reason, on Firefox on the Mac. It's not a huge deal--more of annoyance, as I just relaunch and I'm back playing in a matter of seconds--but it tends to happen once every game.
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Susan said: Has anyone else experienced this? Game quits suddenly, for no reason, on Firefox on the Mac. It's not a huge deal--more of annoyance, as I just relaunch and I'm back playing in a matter of seconds--but it tends to happen once every game. I have one player who occasionally suffers from this. He has sometimes solved it by updating webcam drivers, but he's on a PC. I game from a Mac, and don't have this issue, but use Chrome. I haven't tried Firefox in a while. It might be worth a test switch to see if the problem happens on Chrome. If it doesn't, consider a permanent switch, or go back and take a look at your FF installation: extensions, and so forth.
The Firefox extension is pretty clean--no issues otherwise. Will try Chrome and see what comes of it. Thanks!