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D&D 5E Statblock Macro Mule (v3)


Edited 1722631584
Updated 8/2/24 - v3.6.0 Long read ahead in several posts!  I recommend clicking on the ' Follow This topic ' button at the top right of the page to be notified of any future updates. This is a major update of the ' D&D 5E Universal Statblock Macro Mule for NPCs and PCs ' with many enhancements compared to that version.  This MacroMule will generate Skills & Spells chat menus  for both NPCs and PCs , without  requiring  any Stylus extensions or API scripts. It is ready to use as is and will generate a chat menu with buttons, and only display abilities, spells, attacks, rolls, etc. that exist on the character sheet, and won't display categories or spells levels that the character doesn't have. I'll break this post down into several posts (because of character limits on posts in Roll20).  Known Limitations / Troubleshooting     If you're having any issues, check here first. General Features     General Features, including the Menu, Stats, Rolls, and Spells buttons, including screenshots. PC and NPC Features     Specific features for PCs versus NPCs, including screenshots. Step 1: Macro Mule Setup      Option A. Scripted (using an API Mod script for Pro Subscribers)      Option B. Character Vault (for Plus users or Free users with export slots available)      Option C. Manually (for Free users with no export slots available) Step 2: Calling the Macros     Instructions on how to set up the macro calls in the collections tab or on NPC character sheets. Step 3: Customization      Instructions on how to customize the appearance ( important for Dark Mode! ).      Instructions on how to customize Whisper Settings.      Suggested character customizations/configurations EncounterMule     The EncounterMule is a supplementary tool for GMs to quickly display a group of PC and NPCs stats for combat. It relies on the StatMule character to work. Updates If you were using my previous version, there have now been a LOT of changes. My suggestion is to rename your current Macro Mule, and (re)build this new one.  That way, if something gets mucked up, you can just change the old Macro Mule back and keep using it until any issues are resolved.  Thanks I want to give thanks to a LOT of people.  For the Forum Champions who have been around for a long time and provide so much guidance to other players, and whom I've consolidated a lot of ideas and tips and tricks to create this Macro Mule approach.  To the scripters out there who write amazing Mod scripts, and whom I've borrowed code and hacked together some kind of working semblance of a script.  And to everyone who has used any of my Macro Mules and has helped find bugs, troubleshoot, or give feedback on how it's working.  I truly appreciate you all! If you're using this, please comment and let me know! I love hearing that it's useful for other people playing D&D 5th Edition! And if you have any issues getting it set up, or feedback about it in general, let me know that as well. Changelog: 2/28/13   (v3.1)     Updated CreateMacroMule Mod script to v3.1 (and updated Google Sheets code) for PCProficienciesList to correctly toggle between 'on' and 'off'. 3/1/23     Fixed the 'MM' character on the CharacterVault game to be visible to 'All' so that it's actually... useable. 3/8/23     Added information/caveat for Warlocks and non-spellcasters to display Spell Attack and Spell Save DC information. 4/10/23  (v3.2)     Removed all of the manual bolding tags so the default is  not  bolded for the spell names. 4/20/23     Roll20 now allows up to three character vault exports into games at the Free level. Also fixed the script so that when the name is changed and a 'new' MacroMule character is created that it is visible to 'All'. 11/22/23   (v3.3)         Updated 'List' items to include a message if there are additional entries that are not shown (if there are more entries than the macro displays).         Increased the number of spells to 15 per level.         Fixed the 'Tools' code to correctly display when 'consolidated proficiencies' is enabled on a PC. 1/21/23   (v3.4)     Added Exhaustion to the PC Stats and PC Rolls menus.      Fixed text in chat menus to show as clickable or not clickable.     Spell 'description' icon buttons now follow the MacroMule whisper settings, instead of the selected character's whisper settings.  3/15/24  (v3.5)     Added toggle for Light/Dark mode colors & updated 'Style' Abilities     Added Info description buttons to inventory items     Multiclass descriptions on PCStats and PCBio     Added Save modifiers & Proficiency Icons on Rolls menus, & toggle for sorting     Added Concentration & Ritual icons to spell lists 4/17/24  (v3.5.1)     Added 'Hit Die' roll to PC Roll menus 5/31/24  (v3.5.2)     Fixed PCRolls-Sorted and NPCRolls-Sorted to correctly list Nature and Religion under Intelligence instead of Wisdom. 8/2/24  (v3.6.0)      Added option to completely hide unprepared spells.     All character names in menus will now open the character sheet.      I renamed all attributes with 'Style' in the name to remove 'Link' (E.g. 'InfoLinkStyle' became 'InfoStyle').      Added the 'EncounterMule' 

Edited 1727902482
Known limitations & Troubleshooting: This only works for the ' Roll20 D&D 5E (2014) ' 'D&D 5E by Roll20' character sheet. You must select a token to use any of the macros. Selected tokens must be linked to a character sheet.  If you use a macro with a token that is not linked, you'll get a bit of public spam error messages in chat. Characters cannot have any parentheses or quotation marks in their character names. (The name that is displayed in the journal.) HTML replacements won't work either. This limitation also applies to some other fields, such as 'range' for spells and weapons. Other 'control' characters (! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) { } [ ] " ' : ; ,) may cause issues as well. There is a limit on the number of items that will be displayed for different references.  14 spells per level, 30 items in inventory, etc.  These are not hard limits, but I wasn't sure what number would be best so I set a number that I think will fit at least 95% of use cases.  I can easily tweak the relevant macros to include more if needed. I strongly suggest using the Stylus Extension to adjust the sizing and appearance of the default 'D&D 5E by Roll20' character sheet roll templates.  Specifically code  like this  that widens the 'containers' more than the default 188px width. Otherwise some of the chat menus will appear a bit cramped and misaligned.   I change all of my NPC characters 'name' field to be '@{selected|token_name}', so that when I make rolls it will display the current token (for when I have multiple Goblins such as Goblin 1, Goblin 2, etc.).  If you don't use this technique then it's possible you'll get weird output. Let me know if that happens. The macros must be called from a separate macro and cannot simply be pasted into chat, as this is a Roll20 limitation with the &{noerror} functionality. These chat menus will not automatically mark off Death Saving Throws, or Spell Slots, or anything else like that.  However, if the game creator has a Pro subscription and the 5th_Edition_OGL_by_Roll20_Companion script loaded, then the chat menus will function, just the same as clicking rolls from the character sheet directly. For warlocks and non-spellcasters who get access to spells through items, racial features, traits, etc., you will want to  adjust the ' npcspellcastingflag' manually  so  that you will see their Spell Attack modifier and Spell Save DC numbers. (Click on the embedded link for an example and explanation.

Edited 1722631673
Features This system uses universal collection macros: These buttons can be set up to be Token Actions or displayed in the Macrobar according to your preference.  The buttons work for both NPCs and PCs. I'll use 4 characters to illustrate what the chat menus can do: a regular Goblin (non-spellcaster NPC/monster), an 'Evil Mage' (spellcaster NPC/monster), a level 4 Fighter 3/Rogue 1 (non-spellcaster PC), and a level 3 Cleric (spellcaster PC).     Menu The 'Menu' button will display a quick Chat Menu based on the selected token being a PC or NPC, and include spells if the character is a spellcaster.  These four chat menus will created simply by clicking each token in turn and the 'Menu' button. (This screenshot shows the difference when  using Stylus  to widen the chat menu as well as Light versus Dark mode.) This is also the same menu that will be included as a footer for every other chat menu. Clicking on 'Stats' or 'Rolls' from this menu or any footer is the same command as the collection macro button. The NPC menu includes buttons for all Abilities, or individually for Actions, Bonus Actions, etc., and will only display features that the character has.  The PC menu includes buttons for Attacks, Abilities, Proficiencies, Inventory, and their Bio. Stats This will generate a statblock that is slightly different for NPCs versus PCs. (Fighter has 'Show_Exhaustion_Text' on; Cleric has 'Show_OneDnD_Exhaustion' on). NPCs will only display resistances/etc. that the character has.  PCs will display any class or repeating resources, as well as showing Exhaustion level. PCs will also have sub-race and subclasses displayed next to their name.  Rolls This is almost identical for NPCs and PCs, showing Proficiency or Expertise icons.  PCs will also show a Hit Dice roll button, Death Saving Throw successes and failures, and Exhaustion level.  There are two sort options: Alphabetical, or Sorted by ability type. Spells     Non-spellcasters will simply display a quick "Not a spellcaster" in chat. But for spellcasters, all spells will be displayed by level,  with a  'description' icon button (h overing over the 'description' icon will display a tooltip with the spell's Casting Time, Duration, and Target information),  how many spell slots are available/max per level, innate spells, and can have unprepared spells greyed out. NPCs have a separate unprepared color from PCs, in case you don't need to track that for NPCs but you do want to track it for PCs. There is also a configuration option to completely hide unprepared spells from displaying. Caveats:     For warlocks and non-spellcasters who get access to spells through items, racial features, traits, etc., you will want to  adjust the ' npcspellcastingflag' manually  so that you will see their Spell Attack modifier and Spell Save DC numbers.      For the tooltip - if there are any closing parentheses in any of those fields (as occurs sometimes with the Target), then you will see some funky output in the chat menu.  That can be fixed manually/individually by removing the closing parentheses from the Target information in the spell. This is part of the reason I ultimately decided not to include other information in the tooltip, such as 'description', in addition to simply trying to keep the length down.     The description button calls the repeating spell 'output', but it will always follow the MacroMule whisper settings (if the character is set to 'Query Whisper, you'll be prompted to choose GM Whisper or Public, but that will be ignored when sent to chat). This is especially useful for spells that the output is set to 'ATTACK', because you'll get a 'spellcard' output for those spells instead of an attack roll.

Edited 1710525669
PC and NPC Features PC Features     'Attacks' will display up to 20 repeating entries in the 'ATTACKS & SPELLCASTING' section. Each item can be clicked on to make its roll (just the same as clicking on it from the character sheet).     'Traits' will display up to 30 repeating entries in the 'FEATURES & TRAITS' section. Each item can be clicked on to display its description in chat (just the same as clicking on it from the character sheet).      'Proficiencies' will display up to 20 repeating elements in the 'OTHER PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES' and 'TOOL PROFICIENCIES & CUSTOM SKILLS' sections. Each item can be clicked on to display its description in chat (just the same as clicking on it from the character sheet).  Depending on which 'Consolidated Proficiency' setting the character has, the list will be displayed with individual items, or grouped together. (Cleric has Consolidated Proficiencies turned on. Fighter has a closing parenthesis in 'Vehicles (land)' that is causing the extra garbled text to display. Changing the tool to 'Vehicles - land' will fix that.)      'Equipment' will display the character's coins, up to 30 items (with number & weight), and show a total weight carried and an 'Over Carrying Capacity' message if encumbered, or 'Heavily Encumbered' or 'Immobile' message if 'Variant Encumbrance' rules are turned on. Each item also has a 'Description' button which can be clicked on to output the item's information. (Fighter has 'dropped' their shield and backpack - unequipped - in order to carry a very valuable but heavy gold statue, causing the message for 'Over Carrying Capacity' to display. Clicking on the Info button next to the Gold Statue displays the Description.)     'Bio' shows other character statistics. (But not the actual Bio tab information! Those are all free-form text fields and can be best viewed directly in the character sheet.) NPC Features This is much more straightforward - 'Abilities' will list all Actions, Bonus Actions, Traits, Reactions, Legendary Actions, and Mythic Actions for a character.  Otherwise each button just lists that section.  Each item has a 'description' button that can be clicked to whisper the information for that ability.

Edited 1724309332
Step 1: Macro Mule Setup Option A: Mod Script (for Roll20Pro users) If you have a Roll20 Pro subscription, then you don't have to copy-and-paste all the macro mule attributes and abilities or collection macros by hand. Just use this handy script (v3.6.0 updated 8/2/24 ): <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Instructions for use: Once you've loaded the script, just use the command !macromule to get a small chatmenu with three buttons to change the name of the macro mule character, create or reset the macro mule character attributes &amp; abilities, and create or reset the collection macros.&nbsp; There are two ways to use the macro mule character: 1. 'Universal' MacroMule character with Collection Macros. This will be typical if the DM/game creator is using the macromule for all of their NPCs, and optionally for all players to use the macromule for their PCs. &nbsp; &nbsp; 1. Type&nbsp; !macromule into chat &nbsp; &nbsp; 2. (Optional) Click on the [Change Macro Mule Name] button if you want the MacroMule to be named something other than 'MM'&nbsp; such as 'MacroMule' or 'StatBlockMM' - don't name it the same name as a character in the game &nbsp; &nbsp; 3. Click on the [Create/Refresh Macro Mule] button &nbsp; &nbsp; 4. Click on the [Create/Refresh Collection Macros] button &nbsp; &nbsp; 5. Select any PC or NPC token on the screen and use the Token Action buttons to display chat menus &nbsp; &nbsp; 6. You don't need to put the 'MM' character's token onto the VTT screen. It's just the repository for the chat menu macros. 2. Individual PC MacroMule character. Changing the name of the MacroMule to be the name of a PC, and loading all of the attributes &amp; abilities directly onto that character.&nbsp; This is especially helpful for setting up a character that can be imported into other games that don't use this system - which requires those games to have an All-Access vault enabled. Or, if those other games don't have an All-Access Vault enabled, you can manually copy-and-paste over the macros into an identically named character. &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; 1. Type !macromule into chat &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2. Click on the [Change Macro Mule Name] button and change the name to the name of the PC&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 3. Click on the [Create/Refresh Macro Mule] button &nbsp; &nbsp; 4. Import the character into the game you want to use it in&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 5. Select the PC's token on the screen and use the Token Action buttons to display the chat menus &nbsp; &nbsp; 6. Repeat as needed for additional PCs &nbsp; &nbsp; Caveat: If you create a MacroMule or Collections Macros with the same name as ones that already exist, then it will overwrite the Attributes, Abilities, or Collection Macros that are the&nbsp; same name . It's a way to 'refresh' the code if it gets messed up somehow, without removing all of the other existing Attributes, Abilities, or Collection Macros that you may still want to keep. But if you've made any custom modifications, or for some reason are using the same names for other Attributes, Abilities, or Collection Macros, then they will be replaced. Whisper To Myself&nbsp; I've also included a feature for PC/NPC whisper settings.&nbsp; As long as you have a Roll20 Pro subscription, you can use a 'whisper to myself' command that I've added to this script, which is simply: !self &lt;message to send to yourself&gt; This command works for both players and the GM, and it's the command that is created for the 'NPCWhisper' and 'PCWhisper' attributes.&nbsp; If you ever drop your Roll20 Pro subscription, you can change those two attributes to the manual approach that I've listed for non-Pro subscribers.

Edited 1713207220
Step 1: Macro Mule Setup Option B: Character Vault (for Plus users or Free users with export slots available) Update: 7/20/23 : Roll20 now offers 3 free Character Vault slots for free members, so this is now available to all membership levels. Caveat for Free players &nbsp;from the Wiki: The character export count can never go down. &nbsp;The number of exports used will not be reduced if you delete the character or remove the player from the game. So confirm that you have the Macro Mule name the way you want&nbsp; before &nbsp;exporting into your game if you have a Free account! I suggest creating a test game first and making sure everything is set up the way you want. I've created a game that has a Macro Mule character already built in it, as well as the CreateMacroMule script that will allow players to generate their own Macro Mule character, or create one with a custom name.&nbsp; If you have a game where you can export a character from your Character Vault into the game (if you have a Plus subscription, or a game with a module that allows an All-Access Vault, or an available 'Free member' slot), then you can import the Macro Mule character from my game, and export it into your other game. If you don't have a Plus subscription or available 'Free member' slots, you can also use the MacroMule character as a source to copy all of the Attributes and Abilities. Game link here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Caveat: I haven't done a LOT of testing using the Character Vault approach in this way, so it may not work as I'm intending it to.&nbsp; If it doesn't work, or if the game gets abused in some way then I'll delete it and forgo this option.

Edited 1713207239
Step 1: Macro Mule Setup Option C: Manually (for Free users with no export slots available) Update: 7/20/23: &nbsp;Roll20 now offers 3 free Character Vault slots for free members, so this is only required if you have already used your three slots. If you don't have a Roll20 Pro subscription&nbsp; and don't have any more free character vault slots , then unfortunately this is the hard part.&nbsp; You have to cut-and-paste all of these attributes and abilities into a macro mule character sheet manually. Caution : make sure you are not accidentally including any errant spaces or line breaks at the end of any line when copying these. Hopefully this is less of an issue copying from a Google Sheet instead of the Roll20 Forums directly. Google Sheets Link:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> There are instructions on the Sheet. This is what the Macro Mule character Attributes &amp; Abilities page should look like when you're done:
Step 2: Calling the Macros Create Collection Macros or Individual Macros on character sheets If you had to copy everything manually, then you're almost done!&nbsp; The names of these can all be changed &nbsp;(but not the content of the macro, other than the name - changing it from 'MM' to whatever you want your MacroMule to be called). For example, if you want to use an emoji to take up less space, I've included links to suggested emojis for several of them. The instructions are again on the Google Sheet here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Primary Macros There are&nbsp;4&nbsp;primary&nbsp; Collection Macros &nbsp;to create: Menu ( Control Knobs ) %{MM|Menu} &amp;{noerror} Stats ( Memo Emoji ) %{MM|Stats} &amp;{noerror} Rolls ( Dice ) %{MM|Rolls} &amp;{noerror} Spells ( Sparkle ) %{MM|Spells} &amp;{noerror} Then you can decide to make them visible/accessible to players or not, and set them as Token Actions or on the Macrobar. Secondary Macros You may decide that you want to use other macro calls directly.&nbsp; You could set up a Collection Macro for 'NPCAbilities' and 'PCAttacks' so that you don't have to click the 'Menu' button first, as these are next most likely to be used frequently. NPCAbilities ( Dagger ) %{MM|NPCAttacks} &amp;{noerror} PCAttacks ( Crossed Swords ) %{MM|PCAttacks} &amp;{noerror} Individual Macros Or you could add macros on individual characters to reflect their specific abilities: PCAbilities %{MM|PCAbilities} &amp;{noerror} PCProficiencies %{MM|PCProficiencies} &amp;{noerror} PCInventory %{MM|PCInventory} &amp;{noerror} PCBio %{MM|PCBio} &amp;{noerror} NPCActions %{MM|NPCActions} &amp;{noerror} NPCBonus Actions %{MM|NPCBonusActions} &amp;{noerror} NPCTraits %{MM|NPCTraits} &amp;{noerror} NPCReactions %{MM|NPCReactions} &amp;{noerror} NPCLegendarys %{MM|NPCLegendarys} &amp;{noerror} NPCMythics %{MM|NPCMythics} &amp;{noerror} Cantrips %{MM|Cantrips} &amp;{noerror} Lvl1 %{MM|Lvl1} &amp;{noerror} Lvl2 %{MM|Lvl2} &amp;{noerror} Lvl3 %{MM|Lvl3} &amp;{noerror} Lvl4 %{MM|Lvl4} &amp;{noerror} Lvl5 %{MM|Lvl5} &amp;{noerror} Lvl6 %{MM|Lvl6} &amp;{noerror} Lvl7 %{MM|Lvl7} &amp;{noerror} Lvl8 %{MM|Lvl8} &amp;{noerror} Lvl9 %{MM|Lvl9} &amp;{noerror}

Edited 1714413981
Step 3: Customization &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: Customizing the appearance (optional) You can easily adjust the appearance of the output by changing the code in any of the macros that have the word 'Style'&nbsp;in the name. (Make sure you have the correct MacroMule name if you've changed it from 'MM'.) There are 'Light' and 'Dark' mode options for each item now.&nbsp;&nbsp; So if you decide that you want Actions to be black/light grey instead of red, you simply change the ActionLinkStyle to: %{MM|LinkStyle} @{MM|LightColor}: Black; @{MM|DarkColor}: Gainsboro; If you're looking for more color options, I typically use&nbsp; this site &nbsp;to compare easy-to-read html color names, but you can also use any hex code as well. Unprepared Spells or Unequipped Items There are styles to change the color of spells that are unprepared for PCs or NPCs, or to change the color of items that are not equipped in a character's inventory. If you want them to match their prepared or equipped counterparts, then simply delete the contents of the 'Unprepared' or 'Unequipped' styles.&nbsp; &nbsp;Buttons There are several attributes (not abilities) that each contain an emoji for displaying various buttons.&nbsp; If you decide that you don't want to display those features, then simply delete the emoji from the attribute. Or you can swap them out for different emojis if you prefer.&nbsp; But make sure not to delete the attributes , as that will cause issues with the Macro Mule functionality. I have used&nbsp; Emojipedia &nbsp;to find the emojis that I've used throughout the Macro Mule.

Edited 1714414763
Step 3: Customization &nbsp; &nbsp; B: Customizing whisper settings (optional) You can adjust the PCWhisper and NPCWhisper settings to control how the menus are whispered. If you don't have a Roll20 Pro account to use the !self command, then the best option is to use ' Macro Overloading for per-player behaviour ' as explained by RainbowEncoder in the&nbsp; Tips &amp; Tricks thread . This would be my recommendation if you want to have PCs menus only whispered to the player who is calling them. (#1) To set this up, you would create several Collection Macros that have the&nbsp; exact same name , such as 'MMWhisper'.&nbsp; In each one, you would put the name of one of your&nbsp; players&nbsp; (not their character's name), such as: MMWhisper "Jane Doe" MMWhisper "Joe Bloggs" Set each of those as 'visible' to the named player. (#2) And in the final Collection Macro you would put the code to whisper to the GM and make sure it is not visible to any players: MMWhisper gm&nbsp; (#3) Then in the MacroMule character, you would change the 'PCWhisper' attribute (and optionally also 'NPCWhisper') to: PCWhisper /w #MMWhisper That means that when a PC is selected and uses any of the Macro Mule macros, it will be only whispered to the player who has selected it. You could also change the NPCWhisper in the same way, which shouldn't affect anything, but would also allow you to give control of NPCs to players if necessary for them to make rolls from those characters.

Edited 1714413812
Step 3: Customization &nbsp; &nbsp; C: Suggested Customizations (optional) Here are several things that I suggest configuring on each character. These changes must be done manually (not using the Mod script) to keep the MacroMule accessible to all subscription types.&nbsp; MacroMule Character Attributes: &nbsp; &nbsp; 'NPCWhisper' and 'PCWhisper': &nbsp; &nbsp; - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; !self if you have a Roll20 Pro subscription &nbsp; &nbsp; -&nbsp; &nbsp; #MMWhisper using 'Macro Overloading' &nbsp; &nbsp; - &nbsp; &nbsp; '/w gm ' and/or '/w "@{selected|character_name}" for a simple approach &nbsp; &nbsp; 'Color_Mode' &nbsp; &nbsp; - &nbsp; &nbsp; 'Light' or 'Dark' &nbsp; &nbsp; 'Show_Exhaustion_Text' and 'Show_OneDnD_Exhaustion' &nbsp; &nbsp; - &nbsp; &nbsp; 'on' or 'off' &nbsp; &nbsp; 'Rolls_Layout' &nbsp; &nbsp; - &nbsp; &nbsp; 'Alphabetical' or 'Sorted' All PC and NPC characters: &nbsp; &nbsp; Roll Queries &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Whisper Settings &nbsp; &nbsp; Auto Damage Roll &nbsp; &nbsp; 'Add Character Name to Templates' (PCs) or 'NPC Names in Rolls' (NPCs) PCs: &nbsp; &nbsp; Auto Level Calculations &nbsp; &nbsp; Encumberance &nbsp; &nbsp; Ignore Non-equipped Items Weight&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Consolidated Proficiencies:&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; -&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; On&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Show Exhaustion Tracking: &nbsp; &nbsp; -&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; On &nbsp; &nbsp; Track Hit Dice Per Class: &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; On &nbsp; &nbsp; Warlocks or non-spellcasters with spells from racial features, items, or feats &nbsp; &nbsp; -&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Adjust the ' npcspellcastingflag' manually NPCs: &nbsp; &nbsp; Change 'name' field to be '@{selected|token_name}'

Edited 1677445009
Great stuff, Jarren.&nbsp; I didn't get a chance to try this in my weekly game last night due to some players having life stuff and the session getting cut short, but I'm noticing something today that I didn't notice earlier.&nbsp; When I set a character sheet to display consolidated proficencies, it doesn't change the output from the Macro Mule: (consolidated proficiencies ON) (consolidated proficiencies OFF)

Edited 1677511637
Hmm, I'm getting a change as soon as I switch the consolidated proficiencies toggle.&nbsp; Any chance that you have two characters with the same name? That could cause the 'consolidated proficiencies' to get pulled from the wrong sheet.&nbsp; Also confirm that the token is linked to the correct sheet. What is the output of this macro? /w gm &amp;{template:npcaction} {{rname=@{selected|character_name}}} {{name=@{selected|token_name}}}{{description=Cons. Prof.: @{selected|consolidatedproficencies}}} If you run the Proficiencies macro, then press the 'up' arrow on your keyboard, are you getting a link to the correct Macro Mule character? (Make sure you're not linking to an old version.) And lastly what is in the first part of the ProficienciesList ability on the Macro Mule character? It should look like this: [-- Proficiencies --](%{MMStatblock|StatLinkStyle} display: block;) [ ](%{MMStatblock|BreakLinkStyle} display: block;)[@{selected|repeating_proficiencies_$0_prof_type}: @{selected|repeating_proficiencies_$0_name} ](~@{selected|character_name}|repeating_proficiencies_$0_output%{MMStatblock|ReactionLinkStyle} display: inline-block@{selected|repeating_proficiencies_$0_name|max}; display: none@{MMStatblock|sel}show @{selected|consolidatedproficencies} }; ) [ ](%{MMStatblock|BreakLinkStyle} display: block@{selected|repeating_proficiencies_$0_name|max}; display: none@{MMStatblock|sel}show@{selected|consolidatedproficencies}}; ) That's what is coming to mind immediately for troubleshooting.&nbsp; If you can't figure it out from those questions, feel free to PM me a game invite and I can take a look.&nbsp; If you do figure it out, please post and help anyone else who might have the same problem later!
Jarren said: Hmm, I'm getting a change as soon as I switch the consolidated proficiencies toggle.&nbsp; Any chance that you have two characters with the same name? That could cause the 'consolidated proficiencies' to get pulled from the wrong sheet.&nbsp; Also confirm that the token is linked to the correct sheet. What is the output of this macro? /w gm &amp;{template:npcaction} {{rname=@{selected|character_name}}} {{name=@{selected|token_name}}}{{description=Cons. Prof.: @{selected|consolidatedproficencies}}} If you run the Proficiencies macro, then press the 'up' arrow on your keyboard, are you getting a link to the correct Macro Mule character? (Make sure you're not linking to an old version.) And lastly what is in the first part of the ProficienciesList ability on the Macro Mule character? It should look like this: [-- Proficiencies --](%{MMStatblock|StatLinkStyle} display: block;) [ ](%{MMStatblock|BreakLinkStyle} display: block;)[@{selected|repeating_proficiencies_$0_prof_type}: @{selected|repeating_proficiencies_$0_name} ](~@{selected|character_name}|repeating_proficiencies_$0_output%{MMStatblock|ReactionLinkStyle} display: inline-block@{selected|repeating_proficiencies_$0_name|max}; display: none@{MMStatblock|sel}show @{selected|consolidatedproficencies} }; ) [ ](%{MMStatblock|BreakLinkStyle} display: block@{selected|repeating_proficiencies_$0_name|max}; display: none@{MMStatblock|sel}show@{selected|consolidatedproficencies}}; ) That's what is coming to mind immediately for troubleshooting.&nbsp; If you can't figure it out from those questions, feel free to PM me a game invite and I can take a look.&nbsp; If you do figure it out, please post and help anyone else who might have the same problem later! No two characters with the same name. I ran the Proficiencies macro and the macro you supplied above: Then I toggled the setting on the character sheet: There is a difference in the PCProficienciesList on my MM and what you supplied here (MMStatblock is omitted in mine) [-- Proficiencies --](%{MM|StatLinkStyle} display: block;) [ ](%{MM|BreakLinkStyle} display: block;)[@{selected|repeating_proficiencies_$0_prof_type}: @{selected|repeating_proficiencies_$0_name} ](~@{selected|character_name}|repeating_proficiencies_$0_output%{MM|ReactionLinkStyle} display: inline-block@{selected|repeating_proficiencies_$0_name|max}; display: none@{MM|sel}show@{selected|consolidatedproficencies}}; ) [ ](%{MM|BreakLinkStyle} display: block@{selected|repeating_proficiencies_$0_name|max}; display: none@{MM|sel}show@{selected|consolidatedproficencies}}; )&nbsp; &nbsp; Up arrow after running: %{MM|PCProficiencies} I'll send you an invite.

Edited 1677651403
CreateMacroMule Mod script v3.1 (and updated Google Sheets code): I've updated the code for PCProficienciesList to correctly toggle between 'on' and 'off'. Thanks for catching that bug, Eponymous! (I also made some updates to declutter some other code, which doesn't affect functionality, but might help speed things up a little &nbsp;bit.)
I really like the compact and minimalist design you've gone with, and even without using Stylus I think it looks really clean. This effort is surely an inspirational piece of work that I can only imagine took weeks to put together - well played! I've never thought to simplify these processes by inserting the raw fiddly bits into the attributes themselves, and your method of outputting descriptions is very clever. Cheers from one hobbyist of the craft to another! Great work! Please accept this gold star as a token of my respect.&nbsp; ⭐ I'm a plus user, so I'd be keen to see if the character vault option works or doesn't work as intended. I suspect that it should be fine and that the attributes and abilities would carry over without any issue. To that end, I've joined the game and will await access and will update this thread to follow up.

Edited 1677703912
Ub3rd00d said: This effort is surely an inspirational piece of work that I can only imagine took weeks to put together &nbsp;- well played! I've never thought to simplify these processes by inserting the raw fiddly bits into the attributes themselves, and your method of outputting descriptions is very clever. Cheers from one hobbyist of the craft to another! Great work! Please accept this gold star as a token of my respect.&nbsp; ⭐ Hahaha. Weeks... sure.&nbsp; ;)&nbsp; But thank you! I'm a plus user, so I'd be keen to see if the character vault option works or doesn't work as intended. I suspect that it should be fine and that the attributes and abilities would carry over without any issue. To that end, I've joined the game and will await access and will update this thread to follow up. The game is set as 'public' , so I believe you should be able to just enter with the game link I posted.&nbsp; I just realized that I set the MM character 'Can Be Edited &amp; Controlled By' to 'All', but I forgot to make 'In Player's Journals' set to 'All' as well.&nbsp; D'oh!&nbsp; So you should now see the 'MM' character in the journal.&nbsp; I also added a Collection Macro to run the CreateMacroMule script if you want to change the name, or refresh the Abilities. &nbsp; It appears that you have joined the game already, so I don't think there's anything else for me to do on my end. Let me know if I still need to do something else!&nbsp;

Edited 1677729506
So I found the updated MM and ported it over using the vault, however I can't seem to get any of it to work. The MM character was set with 'All Players' access by default (edit and view), but I've also tried removing that access as well and I still have no results. Further, with the 4 main Collections Macros, I've tried playing with access to those and still no results in chat. I've tried PC and NPC characters both, and the most I can get into the chat is either the error for not having a token selected (which makes sense). This leads me to thinking that somewhere, there is a section of the code that is broken or needs a fresh set of html references in order to work as intended. I'm going to try the Step 1c method on a duplicate of the MM sheet and look for + replace the respective bits to see if that helps and I'll let you know if that did the trick. Edit: I found right away that the first two attributes (NPCWhisper and PCWhisper) both had the value " !self" rather than the " /w " commands shown in the google sheet. As soon as I changed them the macros started to work.
I haven’t done much testing with the Character Vault approach yet honestly. Let me look at it with my test account and see if I can figure anything out.&nbsp;

Edited 1677733785
Update: As edited above,&nbsp; I found right away that the first two attributes (NPCWhisper and PCWhisper) both had the value " !self " rather than the " /w " commands shown in the google sheet. As soon as I changed them the macros started to work. Additionally, I found that the Secondary Macro called NPCAbilities didn't seem to work right out of the gate so I had to alter it, replacing the call to " NPCAttacks"&nbsp; with " NPCAbilities" . I noticed that spellcasting NPCs vs non-spellcasting NPCs gave different outputs, and you can see this in the Menu macro, but I typically go straight to an 'NPC-Actions' macro in my games so I wanted this alteration works well for my uses and I can go straight to that one and skip the menu for them. Lastly, I can also confirm that the&nbsp; consolidated proficiencies does not work for me either and it lists them out on separate lines. I'm not a Stylus user, in case that's relevant for this functionality to work. Edit: My spellcasting NPC's character sheet was switched to PC style for some reason.
Ub3rd00d said: As edited above,&nbsp; I found right away that the first two attributes (NPCWhisper and PCWhisper) both had the value " !self " rather than the " /w " commands shown in the google sheet. As soon as I changed them the macros started to work. Additionally, I found that the Secondary Macro called NPCAbilities didn't seem to work right out of the gate so I had to alter it, replacing the call to " NPCAttacks"&nbsp; with " NPCAbilities" . I noticed that spellcasting NPCs vs non-spellcasting NPCs gave different outputs, and you can see this in the Menu macro, but I typically go straight to an 'NPC-Actions' macro in my games so I wanted this alteration works well for my uses and I can go straight to that one and skip the menu for them. Lastly, I can also confirm that the&nbsp; consolidated proficiencies does not work for me either and it lists them out on separate lines. I'm not a Stylus user, in case that's relevant for this functionality to work. I just figured that out myself haha. I used the Mod script to load the 'MM' character into the game, and I could swear &nbsp;I updated it with the newest code this morning... but apparently not.&nbsp; And I definitely forgot to change the PCWhisper and NPCWhisper attributes... so yeah that's my bad. If you re-import the 'MM' character into your vault and then re-export it into your own game, hopefully it should all be fixed now! Sorry for the confusion.
Jarren said: I just figured that out myself haha. I used the Mod script to load the 'MM' character into the game, and I could swear &nbsp;I updated it with the newest code this morning... but apparently not.&nbsp; And I definitely forgot to change the PCWhisper and NPCWhisper attributes... so yeah that's my bad. If you re-import the 'MM' character into your vault and then re-export it into your own game, hopefully it should all be fixed now! Sorry for the confusion. I re-imported it to my game and found that it wouldn't work unless I added a closing " to the PCWhisper attribute. You'll probably want to add those closing quotations to your copy as well. Don't worry about the confusion; I'm glad to have helped troubleshoot. Otherwise, it looks and works great other than the consolidated proficiencies thing. Cheers! :D
I really appreciate everything you've done. You are the savior of D&amp;D macros.

Edited 1678264811
Thank you so much for this work. There is a bug when I use the Spells template for a Warlock PC. The "SpellDCAtk" depends on a non-zero value for "caster_level". For Warlocks, spell levels are calculated differently than other casters, and "caster_level" is zero. The workaround I found was to define the attribute "npcspellcastingflag" and set it to "1" for the Warlock PC. An alternate that might also work (but I'm not certain if I understand your code) would be to add all of the attributes "lvl1_slots_total" to "lvl5_slots_total" (max Warlock spell level is 5) and check the total for a non-zero value. edit to add: the workaround might also be useful for Martial characters who take feats like Magic Initiate

Edited 1678313222
Fluffy5789 said: There is a bug when I use the Spells template for a Warlock PC. The "SpellDCAtk" depends on a non-zero value for "caster_level". For Warlocks, spell levels are calculated differently than other casters, and "caster_level" is zero. The workaround I found was to define the attribute "npcspellcastingflag" and set it to "1" for the Warlock PC. An alternate that might also work (but I'm not certain if I understand your code) would be to add all of the attributes "lvl1_slots_total" to "lvl5_slots_total" (max Warlock spell level is 5) and check the total for a non-zero value. edit to add: the workaround might also be useful for Martial characters who take feats like Magic Initiate Whoops I realized this before (for non-spellcasters who have access to spells through feats or items or racial traits - I didn't realize that it also applied to warlocks) in my previous iteration and forgot to mention it as a caveat/limitation. I'll adjust that above. However, I'll be honest that I haven't done much additional testing on this.&nbsp;&nbsp; The somewhat simple workaround that I used at the time was to adjust the 'Magic Caster Level' on the settings tab of the character sheet: But I think that changing the ' npcspellcastingflag' is actually a better approach.&nbsp; And you don't have to go into the Attributes &amp; Abilities tab to make the change either -- just temporarily change the character to an NPC, scroll down to the 'Spellcasting NPC' checkbox and check it, then change the character back to a PC.&nbsp; From my quick testing that seems to do the trick for displaying the Spell Attack and Spell Save DC info correctly as a PC warlock. The benefit of using the ' npcspellcastingflag' instead of changing the 'caster_level' to a number, is that changing the 'caster_level' will also change the spell slot numbers, which isn't accurate. Changing the ' npcspellcastingflag' means that spell slots should still be calculated and displayed correctly. So thank you for pointing that out! If you end up with any more feedback or bugs, please let me know and I'll look more heavily into if there are other better approaches. Also, I'm not sure what will happen with multi-class characters, as I haven't tested any of this stuff with multi-class characters at all.
Is anyone else having issue with the API not working?&nbsp; No existing sandbox found.&nbsp; Preparing sandbox to start on game activity. Spinning up new sandbox... "-=&gt; CreateMacroMule script enabled v2.0 &lt;=- Macro Mule Name is: MM" "Loading character sheet data..." TypeError: subs[x].apply is not a function TypeError: subs[x].apply is not a function &nbsp; &nbsp; at eval (eval at &lt;anonymous&gt; (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:168:1), &lt;anonymous&gt;:65:16) &nbsp; &nbsp; at Object.publish (eval at &lt;anonymous&gt; (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:168:1), &lt;anonymous&gt;:70:8) &nbsp; &nbsp; at /home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1563:14 &nbsp; &nbsp; at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) "-=&gt; CreateMacroMule script enabled v2.0 &lt;=- Macro Mule Name is: MM" "Loading character sheet data..." TypeError: subs[x].apply is not a function TypeError: subs[x].apply is not a function &nbsp; &nbsp; at eval (eval at &lt;anonymous&gt; (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:168:1), &lt;anonymous&gt;:65:16) &nbsp; &nbsp; at Object.publish (eval at &lt;anonymous&gt; (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:168:1), &lt;anonymous&gt;:70:8) &nbsp; &nbsp; at /home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1563:14 &nbsp; &nbsp; at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) "-=&gt; CreateMacroMule script enabled v2.0 &lt;=- Macro Mule Name is: MM" "Loading character sheet data..." TypeError: subs[x].apply is not a function TypeError: subs[x].apply is not a function &nbsp; &nbsp; at eval (eval at &lt;anonymous&gt; (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:168:1), &lt;anonymous&gt;:65:16) &nbsp; &nbsp; at Object.publish (eval at &lt;anonymous&gt; (/home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:168:1), &lt;anonymous&gt;:70:8) &nbsp; &nbsp; at /home/node/d20-api-server/api.js:1563:14 &nbsp; &nbsp; at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) Thanks for anyone willing to take a look at this.&nbsp;

Edited 1679892419
What other scripts do you have loaded?&nbsp; Those functions aren't included in the CreateMacroMule script. You're also using an outdated version of the CreateMacroMule script, so I would suggest updating it to version 3.1.
Thanks Jarren, I will try the update too! This script is a game changer to be sure!
The upgrade resolved it. Thanks again for this amazing script Jarren. It is a HUGE time saver. There is no way I could run\design as many campaigns as I do without it. My players and myself thank you. ~Monti
Montigue G. said: My guess is either applydamage.js (because of the subs[x].apply error) or possibly CombatTracker, as that is no longer being updated and has been replaced by Combat Master. My strong suspicion is CombatTracker, as a quick Google search pulled up this thread &nbsp;for SimpleInitiative which has the same error.
Thanks Jarren!

Edited 1681166814
Love the updates, especially with info blocks. I'm curious about the Spell List being bold by default, is there a why to remove the bold?

Edited 1681168736
Level2Gamers said: Love the updates, especially with info blocks. I'm curious about the spell list being bold by default, is there a why to remove the bold? That was just a holdover from my earlier versions and an aesthetic decision I made at the time. I agree that it shouldn't be done manually, and after changing it out, I like it better unbolded as well! Updated Mod script v3.2 - I just updated the code to remove all of the manual bolding tags so the default is not bolded for the spell names.&nbsp; I also updated the Google Sheet for anyone who is creating their MacroMule manually. (You need to replace SpellAtkDC, and CantripsList, Lvl1List, Lvl2List, ..., Lvl9List).&nbsp; For anyone who prefers having the spell names in bold, you simply need to add 'font-weight: bold' to the 'SpellLinkStyle' attribute if you're using v3.2 or later.
I appreciate the speedy reply, it worked like a charm. I think it was bugging me aesthetically. XD
I'm just curious if there's anyone else using this, and if there's any other feedback or bugs that have been found!

Edited 1686261592
I'm experimenting now, I see on the Google sheet you recommend Stylus, which I use but have limited experience with, are the comments under customisation the recommends for Stylus?
Simon G. said: I'm experimenting now, I see on the Google sheet you recommend Stylus, which I use but have limited experience with, are the comments under customisation the recommends for Stylus? From the Known Limitation section (I'll add it to the Google sheet): 6. I strongly suggest using the&nbsp; Stylus Extension &nbsp;to adjust the sizing and appearance of the default 'D&amp;D 5E by Roll20' character sheet roll templates.&nbsp; Specifically code&nbsp; like this &nbsp;that widens the 'containers' more than the default 188px width. Otherwise some of the chat menus will appear a bit cramped and misaligned.&nbsp; S creenshots that include similar images to the left and right are showing the difference when not using Stylus to widen the chat menu versus using Stylus.
Loving that, thank you. Looks like I'm going to have a busy weekend...
Jarren said: I'm just curious if there's anyone else using this, and if there's any other feedback or bugs that have been found! Absolutely using and loving it. Have adapted to all my games, even ones where I'm not DMing.

Edited 1689878939
Update : with the announcement that Free members can now export up to three characters from their vault into games , the Character Vault option is now available to everyone! No more needing to cut-and-paste code if you don't want to. (Of course this means that one of your three slots in a game will be taken up by the MacroMule character!) I just tested it out with my Dummy Account and fixed a couple things as well, so it should be working to change the name of the MacroMule character and export it into any game you want. :) Caveat for Free players &nbsp;from the Wiki: The character export count can never go down. &nbsp;The number of exports used will not be reduced if you delete the character or remove the player from the game. So confirm that you have the Macro Mule name the way you want&nbsp; before &nbsp;exporting into your game if you have a Free account! As always, let me know if you have any questions or issues getting it to work and I'll be happy to help troubleshoot.
Never in the roleplaying game was so much owed by so many to so few. God save the Jarren!
Just an FYI about an update I'm looking into adding: vehicles. (I've got a seafaring battle coming up and starting my prep and realized that vehicles aren't added into the Macro Mule yet!) However it looks like it's a little bit more involved to get vehicle attributes to parse correctly because they use two &nbsp;attributes ('npc' and 'is_vehicle'). I'm pretty sure it's possible... but it'll probably take me a little bit depending on how much free time I have, and I didn't want this thread to close prematurely.
Update: &nbsp; I've updated 'List' items to include a message if there are additional entries that are not shown (if there are more entries than the macro displays). I also increased the number of spells per level to 15 (to accommodate PCs who may have a higher number spells per level, such as wizards). Inventory example: &nbsp; Level 1 spells example: &nbsp; Lastly, I also fixed the code for Tools that was not correctly displaying when 'consolidated proficiencies' was enabled on a PC.
Sweet update. Thanks Jarren.

Edited 1706235359
Update: &nbsp; I'm exhausted! &nbsp; I've added Exhaustion to the PC Stats and PC Rolls menus.&nbsp; Exhaustion is set to show either standard D&amp;D 2014 PHB rules (six levels of exhaustion) or the OneDnD Playtest rules (10 levels of exhaustion with -1 to rolls per level of exhaustion). This is changed by updating the 'Show_Exhaustion_Text' and 'Show_OneDnD_Exhaustion' attributes on the Macro Mule character. The current Exhaustion level is always shown (unless it is 0).&nbsp; 2014 PHB Exhaustion will be shown if&nbsp; 'Show_Exhaustion_Text' is set to 'on'.&nbsp; OneDnD Playtest will be shown if&nbsp; 'Show_OneDnD_Exhaustion' is set to 'on'&nbsp; Set either one to 'off' if you don't want it displayed. Settings to display 2014 PHB Standard Exhaustion text on PC Stats and Rolls menus: 5 levels of Exhaustion (2014 PHB Standard rules): 5 levels of Exhaustion (2024 OneDND Playtest rules): &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Caveat : This does not actually change any roll values, speed, apply disadvantage, half hit points, etc. You will need to use some other scripts for those purposes.&nbsp; This is for display only.&nbsp; If you have a Roll20 Pro subscription, and you want to use the 2024 OneDND alternate exhaustion rules, then I suggest checking out keithcurtis'&nbsp; 5e Alternate Exhaustion script , which was the impetus for me adding it to the MacroMule. I've also fixed text and buttons throughout the Macro Mule so that any items that are clickable&nbsp; (buttons)&nbsp; have the 'pointer' mouse icon, and anything that is not clickable has the 'text' mouse icon. Previously everything was a 'pointer' that looked like it could be clicked on even if it wasn't a button. Hopefully I've caught everything but if you find any that are incorrect please let me know! Lastly, s pell &nbsp;'description' icon buttons for the spell output now follow the MacroMule whisper settings, instead of the selected character's whisper settings.&nbsp; If a character has their whisper settings set to 'Query Whisper' then you'll still see the query popup, but the spell output will follow the Macromule whisper (such as !self or /w "@{selected|character_name}" If you need to manually update, here are the additions on the Google Doc:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; A total of 17 new Attributes:&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MACROMULE OPTIONS,&nbsp;Show_Exhaustion_Text,&nbsp;Show_OneDnD_Exhaustion,&nbsp;DO NOT CHANGE BELOW,&nbsp;whisper,&nbsp; exhaustion,&nbsp;exhaustion0,&nbsp; exhaustion1,&nbsp; exhaustion2,&nbsp; exhaustion3,&nbsp; exhaustion4 &nbsp; exhaustion5,&nbsp; exhaustion6,&nbsp; exhaustion7,&nbsp; exhaustion8,&nbsp; exhaustion9, &nbsp;exhaustion10 &nbsp; &nbsp; One new Ability:&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ExhaustionList &nbsp; &nbsp; Updated/modified Abilities that need to be recopied (there may be some that I missed, but those are likely just minor formatting changes):&nbsp; Template, SpellsTemplate,&nbsp; LinkStyle,&nbsp; RollLinkStyle, ActionLinkStyle,&nbsp; BonusActionLinkStyle,&nbsp; TraitLinkStyle,&nbsp;ReactionLinkStyle, LegendaryLinkStyle,&nbsp; MythicLinkStyle,&nbsp;SpellLinkStyle, MenuList,&nbsp;PCStats,&nbsp;PCRolls,&nbsp;CantripsList,&nbsp;Lvl1List, Lvl2List,&nbsp;Lvl3List, Lvl4List,&nbsp;Lvl5List,&nbsp;Lvl6List,&nbsp;Lvl7List,&nbsp;Lvl8List,&nbsp;Lvl9List

Edited 1706216994
Hey Jarren, another wonderful update.&nbsp; It appears that the spell descriptions won't trigger with the whisper set to&nbsp; /w "@{selected|charactername}" or w/ gm. Additionally, when I manually switch back to !self it still refuses to fire. I have to refresh the MM via the !macromule command to get it working again. But even then, it only works with the whisper attribute set to !self.

Edited 1706221032
Edit - I am getting an error for PCs on the spell descriptions. Let me take a look. Edit 2 - I've got a fix - the "" mess up the formatting of the 'whisper' attribute unless it's deferred. Using the html entity&nbsp;&amp;#64; for the @{MM|whisper} call in the SpellsLists appears to work.&nbsp; &nbsp;I'll get a hotfix out pretty quick here. I think you just have a typo:&nbsp; PCWhisper should be&nbsp; /w "@{selected|character_name}" and&nbsp; NPCWhisper should be&nbsp; /w gm&nbsp; (I had it incorrect in my last update as&nbsp; /w "@{selected|charactername}" - fixed now -&nbsp; and you have the / and w swapped as w/ gm instead of /w gm.&nbsp; I just tested it and it's working to switch back and forth. If you're still having problems let me know!
Admittedly, I typed them wrong in this thread. However, after double checking it still is not firing the descriptions (whisper or otherwise). I even did a full reinstall using the API. Not sure why it's not working for me. I may just disregard using that particular function of the update to keep it usable for my players until I can figure it out.
I just updated the code to 3.4.1 with a fix for the whisper settings on the spell descriptions.
Jarren said: I just updated the code to 3.4.1 with a fix for the whisper settings on the spell descriptions. Not even sure what changed, but this did it. Thank You!