Following up on Scott's token-mod recommendation, you could set up a token that players could select with the appropriate bright and dim light settings, and then use something like the following macro: !token-mod --set emits_bright_light|?{Toggle Light|On,1|Off,0} emits_low_light|?{Toggle Light} If you don't want them to actually select the light-emitting token itself (so they could, say, turn on certain lights from a distance), you could hardcode the token ids for the lights that this particular switch controls. Once your light tokens are set up, you can find the tokend_ids for each by selecting one at a time and running the following in chat /w gm @{selected|token_id} Then alter the token-mod macro above to use the --ids command. Here's an example with two hardcoded light tokens on my test map !token-mod --ids -NPnk5yJ62OhzXdPQ1fU -NPnhESuRz8K8wpwUtO2 --set emits_bright_light|?{Toggle Light|On,1|Off,0} emits_low_light|?{Toggle Light} You'll need to make sure the players-can-ids option is enabled in the mod configuration page in order for anyone (including the gm) to use the --ids command.