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Attributes and Abilities Tab

I wondered if anyone can help? I am using the 5e ogl character sheets, created with Charactermanser. The core page shows that my thief has an armour class of 31 (hovering over this gives @{ac}). I make it 21. I have looked at the Attributes and Abilities but I cannot work out how it is calculating the result. If I put 21 in the ac field, the sheet changes it back to 31. They have a dex of 16 (+4), Mythral armour (AC16), Ring of Protection (+1).  So should this be: dexterity_base 16 dexterity_flag 0 dexterity 16 dexterity_mod 4 I have no idea about the field for the ring! S he does have a Proficiency bonus of 4 - would that count towards her armour ? Any help to restore my sanity would be greatly appreciated.

Edited 1680210889
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Most decent sheets calculate certain values with sheet workers. This means the bits that add up to 31 might be scattered around the sheet, and everytime one of them changes (or the sheet is opened), AC will be recalculated and overwrite whatever you have put in the AC box. if you want to change the total AC you'll have to change one of the numbers it used to calculate the total.

Edited 1680209097
Forum Champion
I assume when you say "5e OGL" you mean the "5e by Roll20" sheet?  If so, please click on the "cog" (settings) button next to the "spells" button.  Check what armor class setup you have (such as automatic or custom). This is located in the top-center of the sheet.  If you don't find a problem with that, could you screenshot the "Core" page of your character? There may be an error on something I can spot. 
Yes, I did, sorry! The cog setting is set to automatic.  Here is the pic of the character sheet.  I have the mithral armour showing in case something is wrong there.
And this is the Attributes page. It clearly says dexterity_mod 3 but the core says 4. I dont suppose there is a list describing these anywhere? Most are obvious but wat does the dexterity_flag do!
Just a quick troubleshooting - if you unequip  all  of the inventory items, what is the AC? Then equip only the mithral armor and what is the AC?
Jarren said: Just a quick troubleshooting - if you unequip  all  of the inventory items, what is the AC? Then equip only the mithral armor and what is the AC? You are a genius, the AC dropped to 13 (10+dex), the ring gave it the +1 as expected. To get back to 20, I just reduced the ac of the mithral to 6. Thanks a lot ppl. 
Forum Champion
My guess, Mithral Armor is not an actual armor in the equipment, it is a description of a magic item that is applied to armor.  The implementation of the armor may not have been done correctly in the charactermancer. Or a bug duplicating the AC line in the equipment may have cropped up.  What is the armor type for the Mithral Armor? Plate? 
Here is the link to dnd beyonds definition  Mithral Armor - Magic Items - D&D Beyond ( In my case, it is a chain shirt - (now!!! LOL)

Edited 1680223317
Forum Champion
goatdealer said: Here is the link to dnd beyonds definition  Mithral Armor - Magic Items - D&D Beyond ( In my case, it is a chain shirt - (now!!! LOL) Right, Roll20 also has the same definition. It is a magic item that is not armor in and of itself, you need to select the model of armor.  As an example, if you drag Mithral Armor from the compendium to your character it does not change the AC because it is not the actual armor, it is a modifier to actual armor (such as Chain Shirt).  I would need to test the Charactermancer to see if it was the cause of the bug, I can do that later tonight. Alternately it could've been a bug with the item itself while it was on your sheet, I have seen similar bugs appear in weapons.  Edit: I just tested with the Charactermancer and I saw no way to add Mithral Armor to a character via the Charactermancer. Could you describe how you added it to your sheet?