&{template:PTU} {{title=Selling things Part 2}} {{Number of People shopped=?{People who shopped|0} }}{{Number Items=?{Number of items Selling +1|0} }} {{ [[?{People who shopped|0}d?{Number of items Selling +1|0}]] Items They Browsed }} ?{Skill Check?| Charm, !%{selected|CharmCheck} Charm | Guile, !%{selected|GuileCheck} Guile | Intimidate, !%{selected|IntimidateCheck} Intimidate } Is the macro i'm trying to work. I Can't seem to get the multi choice to work for the skill checks though. @{selected|GuileCheck} gives me: No attribute was found for @{selected|CharmCheck} !%{selected|GuileCheck} it wont do a multi choice. Even if i replace the pipe | with | Any ideas?