Hi there, my name is Kal, and I've been running D&D for this group for 3 years now. Many of the core players are still with the group, and we just love having fun with each other every week. We're starting a new campaign (Esper Genesis) a re-adaptation/re-skin of D&D in a sci-fi setting. Not required to have previous knowledge. My DM style is heavy roleplay, full player agency, no pressure in knowing lore or backstories, and unique combat encounters. Our group loves to immerse themselves in the world, but also at times we break character for a quick laugh and then continue. Sometimes, fun is just fun :). We all commit to the game every week, and show up on time. We don't always play TTRPGs tho, sometimes we will play boardgames or Jackbox and just hang out. We're not looking for just a "player." We're looking for a new friend who will come on this journey with us for a long time. Active Discord and all that. Add me on Discord if you're interested: Kal#7666