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Free Transfers Now Available in the Character Vault


Edited 1689871438
Roll20 Team
Free character transfers are now available in the Character Vault ! You can import characters from your games into the Character Vault, which stores a copy of your sheet to use in multiple games. When you want to add that character to another game, simply import them instead of recreating them! This is especially useful for organized play campaigns like D&D Adventurers League and Pathfinder Society. Free games allow three character exports into the game, and GMs can enable character transfers in the Game Settings.    Learn more on the Help Center.

Edited 1689879267
This is a great feature for everyone!  I think seeing the usefulness of the character vault and being able to 'try before you buy' will definitely incentivize more GMs to consider paid subscriptions as well.   Caveat for Free players from my quick testing on my Dummy Account which is stated in the Help Center : The character export count can never go down. The number of exports used will not be reduced if you delete the character or remove the player from the game. For anyone with a free membership playing D&D 5th Edition using the 'D&D 5E by Roll20' sheet, it means that you can use the Universal Statblock Macro Mule  without having to cut-and-paste code as well. :)  
Per the note I received, this is limited to 3 exports. I can understand why you'd want to limit the number of uses to incent free players to become paid.  But if I were a free player, my primary reason for wanting to use character vault would be to backup my character after each play session, in case the one in-game got corrupted (which I've seen happen a few times), and having a limit prevents that. Perhaps a limit on total number of Character Vault sheets would be a better approach? Although you'd still need more than 3 for a free player in that case.  A number of my players are unpaid (and some are on limited incomes and aren't going to become paid for any reason), and they play in more than just my games, and some of them are free games. Those free players are what incents ME to pay for my subscription.
Ken S., The language is a little confusing (to me, anyway) -- anyone can import to the Vault as much as they'd like, especially how you described as a backup after a play session. It's the export to a game that has the limit for free users. Did I read that correctly and answer your concern?
Great feature!  Now for 2-factor authentication! I am sure that after that many years of development it will be rolled out next week, right? 
Modron S. said: Great feature!  Now for 2-factor authentication ! I am sure that after that many years of development it will be rolled out next week, right?  As long as it doesn't become mandatory.

Edited 1689914793
the day after i sign pro. thx. lol please let DMs transfer homebrew rollable tables between games. release me from this nightmare of learning how to code. haha
Didn't we use to be able to import characters to unlimited games if allowed? How do you count the limit now?

Edited 1689951749
Forum Champion
Tako said: Didn't we use to be able to import characters to unlimited games if allowed? How do you count the limit now? Only if either the player or the Campaign Owner had a paid account, and that is still true. The three free transfers only covers users who have a free account and are in a game created by a Campaign Owner with a free account. 
Will there be a point to which we can place character types in different folders to better organize the Vault? The free transfer is great, however, after 7 Years of GMing on Roll20, I have a massive Vault and could certainly use an org tool. 
Huzzah Roll20!  This is a great feature.
Jared O. said: the day after i sign pro. thx. lol please let DMs transfer homebrew rollable tables between games. release me from this nightmare of learning how to code. haha You could do that already with the Transmogrifier (PRO Feature) ^^
Cain "Hallow" Rangel said: Will there be a point to which we can place character types in different folders to better organize the Vault? The free transfer is great, however, after 7 Years of GMing on Roll20, I have a massive Vault and could certainly use an org tool.  +1 on this! Have us AT LEAST folders for the different systems we play! (e.g. Cthulhu; The Dark Eye; Savage Worlds; DnD etc.) THAT would help A LOT!
I will say that it is good to see this since it solves a lot of requests from my players and other masters.

Edited 1689968519
You can create a game for each system that you play then use those games to store your characters. Use the vault only if you want to export a character to  or from someone else's game. That way you can organize your characters exactly the way you want instead of whatever way the vault designers might come up with. Cain "Hallow" Rangel said: Will there be a point to which we can place character types in different folders to better organize the Vault? The free transfer is great, however, after 7 Years of GMing on Roll20, I have a massive Vault and could certainly use an org tool. 
Ow ! nice! Thanks
I use it especially for my characters in other games... and - thinking of what might happen to a campaign that tends to be a little larger... Rick A. said: You can create a game for each system that you play then use those games to store your characters. Use the vault only if you want to export a character to  or from someone else's game. That way you can organize your characters exactly the way you want instead of whatever way the vault designers might come up with. Cain "Hallow" Rangel said: Will there be a point to which we can place character types in different folders to better organize the Vault? The free transfer is great, however, after 7 Years of GMing on Roll20, I have a massive Vault and could certainly use an org tool. 

Edited 1690078834
So we can't delete an exported character vault character to free up a slot out of the 3? I am gonna get a subscription for a year, when I know I got most of my game setup and closest to done. But, It'd help if I imported the wrong character. I have like 3+ of the same character for multiple characters.
RedrumZombies said: So we can't delete an exported character vault character to free up a slot out of the 3? I am gonna get a subscription for a year, when I know I got most of my game setup and closest to done. But, It'd help if I imported the wrong character. I have like 3+ of the same character for multiple characters. Of course you can delete characters from your character vault anytime you want! But you need to do that manually. After you export a character to a game it does not get deleted automatically (which is GOOD)... ^^ The Limit of exporting characters to games for FREE Users is set to 3, however if you have a subscription this Limit does not count for you anymore! (As for having a clue of what version of character you are talking about, why not rename them IN GAME (e.g. _V1; _V2; ...), export them to the vault and then just name it back in game?

Edited 1690654630
Would the "team" consider a flat fee to have access to unlimited exports for all time (instead of a subscription)?  I would highly consider this.  Otherwise, meh.

Edited 1690893543
I thought we could always to this? What actually changed from the previous policy? Did games hosted by free accounts previously prohibit any importing? Did free accounts go from 0 imports to 3? Or did we go from unlimited to 3? Can characters be un-imported to free up previously used import "slots"?
Sheet Author
Drew_585 said: I thought we could always to this? What actually changed from the previous policy? Did games hosted by free accounts previously prohibit any importing? Did free accounts go from 0 imports to 3? Or did we go from unlimited to 3? Can characters be un-imported to free up previously used import "slots"? Just to be sure you know the terminology I am using: import: get a copy of a character from a game into the vault export: create a copy of a vaulted character in a game I believe that when I first joined Roll20 a free account could export into a game created by a subscriber that had that permission enabled, export to any game created on that free account, and export to any game created from a module that had that permission enabled (a selling point for modules).  At some point, the 2nd and 3rd went away. I could be wrong on that, since I got a subscription fairly early on in order to create a character sheet, so I wasn't affected by those changes. Now those options for free accounts are coming back in a limited fashion. I am somewhat surprised it has taken this long, since I expect it impacted Society/League play.

Edited 1690915875
Forum Champion
Drew_585 said: I thought we could always to this? What actually changed from the previous policy? Did games hosted by free accounts previously prohibit any importing? Did free accounts go from 0 imports to 3? Or did we go from unlimited to 3? Can characters be un-imported to free up previously used import "slots"? Previously it always required *someone* to have a paid account, either the player or the Game Owner.  Free (both player and Game Owner): went from 0 to 3.  Paid (either player or Game Owner): is still unlimited.  My understanding is that this is a lifetime limit per game . Create a game, it has 3 import slots. Use them and the only way to get more is to upgrade your account (or create a new game). 

Edited 1691421588
Thanks for the feature that should've been enabled on day1. Oh, wait, it's still isn't here. :)

Edited 1694432679
How can I cancel a character transfer if I change my mind or make a mistake? I don't want to lose my character or get confused in the character  vault .
It makes a copy of the character to the Vault, so you won't lose your character!
It's a good feature to have both as a player and a dm  as I use it for both npc and my pcs  as do many of my players  and enjoy the fact that if something goes  sideways there is a clean copy I can go to .