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Explorer Mode -- All tokens?

Hi there, setting up a map and i'm a little confused. i have it in explorer mode, and I thought each token had a unique memory for the explorer mode so that if one token has a room revealed to them by entering it, but other tokens do not, then only that token will see that room greyed out. When i test this out on roll20 with my players' tokens, I have one token visit a room other tokens have never seen, but then when I do the ctrl-l view from all the other tokens, they also see the room greyed out. I have made sure that no tokens are controlled by everyone. Is this just a glitch from the GM's perspective and I can rest assured that the only tokens that will see areas greyed out are tokens that have seen those area themselves? Thank you.
Forum Champion
Hi Dungeon Master Klink,  Explorer Mode "memory" is not based on tokens, it is based on the player. To have players "remember" an area they are not in they must be shown that area while they are in the game. 
Hi Dungeon Master Klink, What Gauss said is correct. You as GM will not see what your players see because as GM you see everything, even when using "CTRL-L" or even "Relaunch as Player". The best way to verify what the players will see is to create for yourself a second, free "dummy" account, invite that account into your game and assign it a character sheet & token. That way you can log in under that account and verify what your players will see. (I have two characters in my games called  "John Doe"  and  "John Doe with NV"   that I assign to my dummy account and use for this purpose.)
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Obligatory link:  Dummy Account . :)