Currently, infinite decks function as infinitely many copies of a finite deck, all sorted the same way. So if I create a deck of three cards (A, B, C), and shuffle to B, A, C, then the sequence of draws will be B, A, C, B, A, C, ... I would like the ability to create an object (rollable table, die, deck, something else) for which each draw is an independent result (so the first three draws above could just as easily be B, A, B), each of which can go into a player's hand. The context in which this comes up is that contests in Dogs in the Vineyard begin by rolling all dice involved, and then the rolls are spent throughout it until one side either gives up or runs out of dice. This can be done in a clumsy way by drawing "dice corrals" for each player on the tabletop, rolling in chat, and dragging the dice tokens into each player's respective corral (or putting lots of dice tokens on the table and letting players drag enough dice into their respective corral and set them all to random faces). But this takes up lots of screen real-estate, and it quickly becomes tedious to drag each roll individually when each player may be rolling 10 or 20 dice. What I'd like to do is something like "/r 5d6+3d8 &{hand}" to roll the dice into the player's hand, and allow the players to spend the rolls like playing cards. Alternatively, being able to create "d4", "d6", etc. decks and deal 5 "cards" from the d6 deck and 3 cards from the d8 deck would accomplish the same thing, if the repeating nature of infinite decks didn't make it so non-random (e.g. as it stands, dealing N cards from the dN deck will always give exactly one of each value; the only randomness is in the order, and even that repeats).