I'm new to ScripCards and have assembled the following to deduct a chosen spell slot from the Roll20 5e Character Sheet. It works but prints the Spell Slots Left twice: It might be obvious to another once they look at the code but I didn't see the problem. Does anyone know how to fix this? Much thanks! :)) !script {{ --#title|Spell Slot Deduction --=SpellLevel|?{Spell Slot Level?|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9} --#sourcetoken|@{selected|token_id} -->GetAndCheckSlotInformation| -->DeductSpellSlot| --:GetAndCheckSlotInformation| --=SlotLevel|[$SpellLevel] --=SlotsTotal|[*S:lvl[$SlotLevel]_slots_total] --=SlotsExpended|[*S:lvl[$SlotLevel]_slots_expended] --?[$SlotsExpended.Total] -eq 0|NoSlotsLeft --?[$SlotsExpended.Total] -gt [$SlotsTotal.Total]|NoSlotsLeft --<| --:DeductSpellSlot| --=SlotsExpended|[$SlotsExpended] -1 --@setattr|_charid [*S:character_id] _lvl[$SlotLevel]_slots_expended|[$SlotsExpended] _silent --=SlotsRemaining|[$SlotsTotal] - 1 --+|[c][b]Level [$SpellLevel.Total] Spell Slots Left: [/b][$SlotsExpended][/c] --<| --X| --:NoSlotsLeft| --+|[b][*S:character_name] has no level [$SlotLevel.Total] spell slots available.[/b] --X|NoSlotsLeftStop }}