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Lag woth my pro laptop computer

Hello No problem with Roll20 at home but at work my configuration is a I5-7200U CPU with an integrated Intel HD Graphics 620 GPU and 8 Gb RAM and each time I lauch a game to prepare it, the other app are lagging. I've checked my task manager and Firefox/Chrome use about 25% of the CPU processing power. I've tried to whiteliste Roll20 in Ublock Origin, I have disabled my extensions, I have removed grids from my maps, I have deleted unused assets : nothing fix it. Is my pro computer too old for Roll20 ? Regards. Merlyn
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Hi Merlyn! Have you tried toggling hardware acceleration in your browser? The specs on your computer are most likely fine. Some other folks report lag, but there doesn't seem to be a correlation between hardware and performance. Here are some other performance tips. Performance Issues - Steps to Troubleshoot Lag Optimizing Roll20 Performance Graphics Performance Troubleshooting Roll20 System Recommendations Dynamic Lighting Requirements & Best Practices
Thanks for your answers. Hardware acceleration is indeed on. I don't use NordVPN nor Grammarly. Roll20 is whitelisted, I've also tried  incognito/private browsing.
Are you by chance streaming the game when you encounter the lagging?
No I'm not.
Since this is your work computer, do you have the administrator rights for it? If someone other than you is the admin, they may have installed a security app that's interfering.
Rick A. said: Since this is your work computer, do you have the administrator rights for it? If someone other than you is the admin, they may have installed a security app that's interfering. I don't have administor rights on this computer. The only security app I saw was an antivirus but I cannot totally dismiss this possibility indeed.

Edited 1699351027
I may have a clue. It seems that the lag happens more frequently when I use two screen at the same time : the laptop screen and an external screen HDMI connected to the laptop. The PC was less laggy when I disconnected the screen and also when I set windows to send only the external screen. Is there a way to dual screen without impacting the lagging ?
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Hard to tell. I rarely see any lag, and have two monitors with Roll20 running on an ultra-wide. I run on a Mac though, so maybe someone on Windows has better insight? Does the lag appear even in a fresh game with few tokens and characters?

Edited 1699377384
Are the screens set to different resolutions? Depending on how the PC's CPU and GPU work together, there may be some throttling going on. Can you try temporarily changing the larger screen's resolution, trying both higher and lower settings, and see if either makes a difference? I also use a Windows PC with two screens, both set to 1920 x 1080
Glad someone else is dealing with this. I just launched today after the "you can put pages in folders" update and Roll20 is completely unusable. Nothing has changed with my laptop, I don't use any plugins with Chrome, I don't have Nord or any other VPN, Hardware Acceleration is on (and I tried with it off), using about 20% of CPU and even less GPU, even when pinging with Roll20.  So, yeah. If nothing has changed with my laptop (or the other users) or it's settings, and it only started to lag after the last Roll20 update... Sounds like a Roll20 problem to me.
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Just checking AJ C: Today was the first time you'd logged on in 16 days (Oct 24)? If this is the case, and nothing else has changed, I'd suggest reporting this in the official feedback thread , or better yet, gathering up your system data and a  Console Log ( Chrome , Firefox ) and filing a  Help Center Request . A smattering of other users have reported lag, from what I have seen.
I have not yet tested the potential solutions you gave me but this morning, I've tested something else: I tested a dual screen on my personal PC with Roll20 on one screen and Discord on the other and, unlike the pro PC, there was no slowdown at all, even though the processor was always a little busier. My personnal config is a MSI GF 63 Thin 12 VF with a i5-12450H, 16 GB RAM and an Nvidia RTX 4060