Hi I'd love to set up as a puzzle room for the players the mirror problem you have to rotate the mirrors so that the light leaving the arrow hits the yellow square Now: i was not able to find any way to simulate a mirror in the VTT but if you have any idea I'd love to hear it my solution was to set up a directional light with a 1° arc at the arrow and DL barriers at the center of every square a token on each square that emits light again directional and 1% simulates the light starting Using token-mod I plan to create two token action to rotate it 90° clockwise or counterclockwise to give the player the rotation capability on top of that I need another token-mod to possibly further rotate the light direction otherwise I can have a wrong result (as in the two images below) right wrong and one to turn off the light from the mirrors that are not touched so a little cumbersome but doable. BUT the solution requires ....spoiler...... that in one instance you reflect the light twice from both sides of the same mirror!!! and I have no idea on how to do that. any suggestion on how to build a bidirectional focused light from a point? thanks Andrea