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Can the map be centered (center-justified) in the window?

Is there a way to move the map in the window so it's centered or more to the right?  I'm referring to the part outlined in red moving to the right (in the direction of the arrow). If I zoom, the map gets bigger, but it's always anchored to the left.  I'd prefer it was centered and my avatar didn't overlap it. Possible?
Forum Champion
Hi raindog308,  Roll20 is top-left justified so the only way to move it to the right would be to extend the canvas to the right (increase the page size) and then manually move everything on every layer to the right. I *think* there might be a Mod (API Script) capable of doing this, but I don't remember which one at the moment. As you have a Pro account I would ask the Mod (API Scripts) forum. 
This would be SO convenient. I'm used to graphics applications that allow both negative and positive expansion in all orthographic directions and often find the top-left justification of the VTT frustrating. Once I put in Dynamic Lighting lines, adding space to the top or left of the map becomes very frustrating.
There is a suggestion in the Suggestions Thread to get exactly this... A CENTERED map when zoomed out... has way over 10 Votes but was not seen by the devs YET...
No, there isn't. Just another funky Roll20 design choice we've lived with for over a decade!