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Please speak to Palladium Books and get them on-board. (TMNT, ROBOTECH, RIFTS, HEROES UNLIMITED)

It would be very cool to have functional Palladium Multiverse Character Sheets and compendium content. I have had several requests to run Robotech, Rifts and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games, and frankly, I have had to turn them down because the current roll20 resources make the job to much work.  It would also be nice to have setup for other older games, such as Battletech, Risk, and other Tactical RPGs; as these appeal to the older crowd. Thank you.
B Simon Smith
Marketplace Creator
I'd encourage you to reach out to Kevin Siembieda and ask him. If you know, you know.
<knowing nod> Past attender at the DGC, 1983-85 B Simon Smith said: I'd encourage you to reach out to Kevin Siembieda and ask him. If you know, you know.
Maybe it would help if we all promise to play hockey and take up boxing.
A fullly fleshed out Multiverse sheet is going to be a monster.   Super powers and vehicle modifications from  Heroes/Villians Unlimited  combined with Fantasy classes, and Mech piolot OCC's and how many thousands of Mecha between RIFTS and Robotech alone?  Do you include the RCC for Creeps from Dead Rising?   MD AND SD Versions of spells becasue of RIFTS and Fantasy and Heroes.  Mutant Charaters creation from Heroes, After the Bomb, and TMNT.  Martial arts skills from TMNT, RIFTS, Heroes and Ninjas and Super Spys. The problem with the roll20 sheets is it's a pain to program.  The sheets that are -JUST- fancy blanks that let you fill in the blanks are OVER 300 lines of code per blank page.    Asking Kevin about this would be your best bet to getting this done OFFICIALLY.   but honestly I think the best bet is to find a programer who loves the game AND has the time to mess around with it.