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The Site is currently experiencing a DDoS attack

We've discerned the source of the issue to be a DDOS attack impacting connectivity. We are implementing mitigations and expect majority of services to return soon. We will update again once things are back to normal.
I think Im locked out of launching a game / going to the account-page, might be a part of the mitigation strategy that targeted me by accident. The rest of the party got back into game fairly quickly. Let me know if I can provide my IP somewhere for reconsideration.
The majority of services have been restored. If you are still experiencing issues we recommend clearing your cache and cookies and restarting your browser. We are continuing to monitor for additional DDOS attempts but occasional disruptions may still occur.
We are detecting another round of attacks. Expect some lapses in service during this time. We'll let you know when the service is back to normal.
The service is back to normal for now. We're continuing to monitor and will keep you updated.
Is there any update on the situation? a motive or any other news?
Since the banner is no longer visible, it seems the DDoS attack is over... But any official Info would be nice... merlijn s. said: Is there any update on the situation? a motive or any other news?

Edited 1703255496
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
Hey folks, Hello from the morning shift!  As of right now we have the attack mitigated. The attack began yesterday around 10 AM Pacific Time and ended around 10 PM. We are still vigilantly watching things to see if it starts back up again, which we think is a strong possibility. In the meantime, things should be running smoothly right now and you can game on without interruption. If you're having any issues with your games please let us know. There is no known motive for these attacks. Unfortunately once you're a website of a certain size you sometimes just get hit with these things. We usually have this happen a few times per year. Thanks!
The Looking for Group feature does not seem to be working at the moment. Is this related to the attack?
The Marketplace is still not working right. I'm getting timeouts all over the place while trying to buy something and CloudFlare errors.
Hey folks, The attacks have been off and on throughout the day. The good news is that we've got it mostly mitigated at this point so you should experience at most a few minutes of downtime if you happen to make a request at the wrong time. We'll keep you posted if it escalates further. Thanks!
Would charmancer be affected by this? I seem to be having some issues there and am curious what exactly may be affected by the DDoS attack and what wouldnt be.
How long will r20 be useless? I can't prep any of my games on a site I PAY to use.
Sheet Author
@taibhsear What isn't working for you? The DDOS attack should be over by now... <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> fyi: Roll20 was working for me (at least the vtt and dev sandbox. Not sure about the other parts of the site...) even during the attack.&nbsp; I'm west coast, US.
Don't blame the victim (R oll20 &amp; its users). Blame the thieving scum hackers making these DDOS attacks. taibhsear said: How long will r20 be useless? I can't prep any of my games on a site I PAY to use.

Edited 1703451070
Forum Champion
Hi taibhsear,&nbsp; If you are still having connection issues with Roll20 I suggest trying a hard refresh of your browser.&nbsp; If that doesn't work try clearing cookies/cache.&nbsp; Finally, if you are still having issues I suggest filing a report with the Devs via the Help Center .&nbsp;
The dnd Character Mancer thing doesn't seem to be working.&nbsp; It looks like it's because a lot of dnd information has been removed from the site.&nbsp; I don't usually play dnd so I don't actually know if this is related but mentioning it in case it is.
Forum Champion
Hi Bumble True,&nbsp; Which character sheet are you using? If you don't know please supply a screenshot.&nbsp;
Bumble True said: The dnd Character Mancer thing doesn't seem to be working.&nbsp; It looks like it's because a lot of dnd information has been removed from the site.&nbsp; I don't usually play dnd so I don't actually know if this is related but mentioning it in case it is. If this hasnt been solved for you yet, here is a bit of info from an avid user of the charactermancer, that is a thing i run into quite a bit and the charactermancer seems to be buggy in general, refresh the page, clear browser cache and if those two things dont work, try a new character sheet and see if the issue persists, if it does it is above me
I can't access any of my games. The rest of the site works fine, Forum, Character Vault, Create Game, etc. But whenever I try to launch any of my games, they don't load. Could this be related to the DDoS issue?
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Possibly? Try deleting cache and cookies, log out and then back in. If that doesn't clear the problem, the best bet is to grab a&nbsp; Console Log ( Chrome , Firefox ) and file a&nbsp; Help Center Request .
Hey folks, Just wanted to post a quick update on this. We've continued to see attacks off-and-on for about the past week. At this point we've got things pretty well-tuned so that hopefully even if these attacks continue, you experience no interruption to your gaming. If you're having trouble accessing the site though please let us know so we can continue to fine tune further. Thanks!
Was having trouble on Saturday around 7 pm PST as well.&nbsp; Kept receiving 503 errors.&nbsp; Eventually just canceled the game for the night.&nbsp; :(&nbsp; If it happens again I will be sure to grab a console log and submit Help Center Request as Keith suggested above.&nbsp;