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Transmogrifier not working


Edited 1707420684
When I use this feature, the page that is show on the game I copied, just opens up as a blank page. The page settings   are alright but no map, no light barriers and no tokens. Edit: A new issue I come across. The characters in the page I wanted to transmogrify, they can't be moved through character vault. They all give an error when I try to add them to the game. I actually had another problem on that page before with the Bump API. I used the API on couple tokens and all of my API crushed and I had to disable Bump in order to use the others. 
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
I had the same thing happen to me last night Sydney time with a new TOR2e game. Fortunately it was Session 0 so the map page wasn’t necessary.  The map had a single PNG on the map layer from my art library which I had uploaded earlier. 
The Transmogrifier is not working for my roll tables. The title copies over but there are no entries in the table, it's totally empty
Forum Champion
Hi everyone,  As the Bug Report forum is primarily for users helping users please file a bug report with the Devs via the Help Center so that they can track this issue. 

Edited 1707596388
I found a solution, I copied the map and the sheets that created the problem. The new page worked just fine. I'm not sure it's really a solution but I got over the problem.
the same is happening to me.  some maps transmogrifiy without an issue while the others don't take any information but for the number of grids and if dynamic lighting is on or off. has I wonder if it only happens to the people here or a general issue.  I use chrome without any 3rd party extensions
Also having some odd issues copying games and using the transmog... Tokens are losing permissions and some just don't get copied at all.
Please File a Help Center request and LINK this thread in the ticket... so the Devs know where to look...
Hey Folks,  Thanks for letting us know. Sorry for the inconvenience. We've just pushed a fix and everything seems to be working again. Try it again and let me know if you still have trouble.
sorry but the issue is still going on. and after I delete the maps from the transmogrifier and reload the game page, the deleted maps appear there again.

Edited 1707793426
Can confirm, the problem still persists. I just tried to transmog a dungeon out of my library game to a game for a one-shot and uh. That wasn't fun to see. I will be popping back in here on Friday to report if the problem persists until then. Fork said: I found a solution, I copied the map and the sheets that created the problem. The new page worked just fine. I'm not sure it's really a solution but I got over the problem. I tried your solution and it did not work for me, can you be more specific about how you did this workaround?

Edited 1707813624
Larkin said: Can confirm, the problem still persists. I just tried to transmog a dungeon out of my library game to a game for a one-shot and uh. That wasn't fun to see. I will be popping back in here on Friday to report if the problem persists until then. Fork said: I found a solution, I copied the map and the sheets that created the problem. The new page worked just fine. I'm not sure it's really a solution but I got over the problem. I tried your solution and it did not work for me, can you be more specific about how you did this workaround? I just copied the page as a whole from the pages segment. The sheets that were connected to the tokens did not get carried but the light walls and map and the tokens all got carried properly.
Larkin said: Can confirm, the problem still persists. I just tried to transmog a dungeon out of my library game to a game for a one-shot and uh. That wasn't fun to see. I will be popping back in here on Friday to report if the problem persists until then. Fork said: I found a solution, I copied the map and the sheets that created the problem. The new page worked just fine. I'm not sure it's really a solution but I got over the problem. I tried your solution and it did not work for me, can you be more specific about how you did this workaround? can you check after you delete the map page and leave game, when you re-enter, is the broken page still there? sidenote, I think fork meant duplicate page and transmorg the duped one? 
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Fork said: I just copied the page as a whole from the pages segment. The sheets that were connected to the tokens did not get carried but the light walls and map and the tokens all got carried properly. This part at least is normal behavior. Sheets are a different entity and must be copied separately. So long as you do not edit the tokens, if you copy the sheets over, the tokens should retain their associations. Typically, I will copy sheets over first, then pages.
Cem D. said: sorry but the issue is still going on. and after I delete the maps from the transmogrifier and reload the game page, the deleted maps appear there again. Thanks for noting that. You're right, we did miss something but we've fixed it back to the way it was working before we recently broke it. By that, I mean to say that there are a couple of long-standing issues with the Transmogrifier that we still have on the list. Sorry again about that.
Cem D. said: Larkin said: Can confirm, the problem still persists. I just tried to transmog a dungeon out of my library game to a game for a one-shot and uh. That wasn't fun to see. I will be popping back in here on Friday to report if the problem persists until then. Fork said: I found a solution, I copied the map and the sheets that created the problem. The new page worked just fine. I'm not sure it's really a solution but I got over the problem. I tried your solution and it did not work for me, can you be more specific about how you did this workaround? can you check after you delete the map page and leave game, when you re-enter, is the broken page still there? sidenote, I think fork meant duplicate page and transmorg the duped one?  Now you mention it I remember there was still a lingering empty page with the same name with nothing in it.
can you check after you delete the map page and leave game, when you re-enter, is the broken page still there? sidenote, I think fork meant duplicate page and transmorg the duped one?  Yeah I still have broken pages loitering on my destination game, that I cannot delete. Very annoying. BUT the Tranmog page transfer is working again. +1
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Larkin said: can you check after you delete the map page and leave game, when you re-enter, is the broken page still there? sidenote, I think fork meant duplicate page and transmorg the duped one?  Yeah I still have broken pages loitering on my destination game, that I cannot delete. Very annoying. BUT the Tranmog page transfer is working again. +1 Hi Larkin! Your best bet is to contact the team through a  Help Center Request . Include the link to the game, and the names of the pages that need deletion.
You should file a help center request regarding those Undeletable maps... Larkin said: can you check after you delete the map page and leave game, when you re-enter, is the broken page still there? sidenote, I think fork meant duplicate page and transmorg the duped one?  Yeah I still have broken pages loitering on my destination game, that I cannot delete. Very annoying. BUT the Tranmog page transfer is working again. +1