Sure, no problem really. You have choices here. You might run into some drawbacks, but generally speaking it is do-able. Want to tell us more about your idea for that particular player? You can do Card Deck or Rollable Table. They have different features. Either might help with what you want to do. Using the Card Deck method, it is mainly a matter of Configuring the Card Deck settings to suit your needs. Did you want to use 20 of the ordinary Playing Cards (hearts, diamonds, clubs, etc), or perhaps design 20 graphics for your own card faces and upload them into roll20? Did you want the Player to have a completely refreshed card deck (all 20 possibilities) on every choice? Or did you want an ordinary draw-down-the-deck where there are fewer cards available in the deck after each pick has been removed (or taken into his Hand of Cards)? Assuming you want a Random order, you may need to either Shuffle the Deck once before their first draw, or Shuffle once before every time they draw. Other config and techniques like that, again, depends exactly what you want it to do, and there are some options in the settings.