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[LFG]Super Heroic type game

Hi. I'm currently looking for a gaming group to join. I live on the east coast and my main interests are in Superhero campaigns. Either that or another non-overtly fantasy genre will do. I'm currently on discord under the name jenovvson so you can shoot me a message there or on here. 😁

Edited 1718926225
I'm currently in the process of trying to find people for a Dragonball Z RPG game if that sounds appealing to you. We have three people in our group at the moment.
im down for a superhero game as a player! not so much the dragonball game though
I would also very much like to be a player in a superhero game, especially if it’s Mutants and Masterminds.
I might be open to DMing a superhero game, depending on day and time.
I wouldn't mind being apart of a super hero rpg game myself. I've got time for another game right now.
I ran successful older edition Champions campaigns back in the day. I figured for running online I would have to find something much simpler to do on roll 20. I’ve had some interest in mutants and mastermind, but I probably want to play it before I thought about running a campaign with it. It seems like it could be a bit crunchy. Are there any other simpler systems out there? Good for playing online? 

Edited 1719487898
Could go with "Masks a New Generation." That's more of a narrative focused system so it's a lot less crunchy than Mutants and Masterminds.
Any interest in Batman Gotham City Chronicles?
AJ C. said: I might be open to DMing a superhero game, depending on day and time. Would Sunday nights be good? I am ok with most days at around 8:00 or 9:00pm EST.
Lurking. If the group coalesces and the time frame works, I've been wanting a Supers game. I found the old TSR Marvel game from waaay back to be pretty smooth on roll20, FWIW.
I wish i could find a Palladium Heroes Unlimited game msyelf
Can we please get something together? I have been dying to play a superhero game for months.