This newest version of Supernotes introduces ten new templates, plus a bonus, previously undocumented template. The full list is down in the documentation, but I am posting the new ones up top. gate3 . For folks who like the GOTY based on D&D. choices . A second style, suitable for for the same crowd. roll20light . for when you want your notes to have the feeling of authority roll20dark . As above, but.... dark news . Extra! Extra! Read all about it! You can even see the ink bleeding through from the other side of the newsprint. treasure . For listing all that loot. vault . A comforting style for sheltered people. path . A style that works well with PF2 Adventure Paths osrblue . Gygax-approved. Maybe. The graph paper even has yellowed edges scroll2 . An alternative to scroll, thats even scrollier. roman . Bonus style! This was added in a previous version, but was only documented mid-thread. Full documentation This script pulls the contents from a token's GM Notes field, as well as other fields that are not usually accessible to macros. If the token represents a character, you can optionally pull in the Bio or GM notes from the character. It can also return graphics and tooltip info. The user can decide whether to whisper the notes to the GM or broadcast them to all players. There is an option to add a footer to notes whispered to the GM. This footer creates a chat button to give the option of sending the notes on to the players. Finally, you can direct the note either to chat, or to a named handout. Images, API Command Buttons, Links and most special characters should pass through without issue. Images written in the markdown form of [x](imageURL) should parse correctly in both chat and handouts. This script as written is optimized for the D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 sheet, but can be adapted for most common sheets using the Configuration command below. Commands !gmnote whispers the note to the GM !pcnote sends the note to all players !selfnote whispers to the sender of the command Parameters -- token Pulls notes from the selected token's gm notes field. This is optional. If it is missing, the script assumes --token. This option does not require the token to have an associated character. -- charnote Pulls notes from the gm notes field of the character assigned to a token. -- bio Pulls notes from the bio field of the character assigned to a token. -- avatar Pulls image from the avatar field of the character assigned to a token. -- image Pulls first image from the bio field of the character assigned to a token, if any exists. Otherwise returns notice that no artwork is available -- images Pulls all images from the bio field of the character assigned to a token, if any exist. Otherwise returns notice that no artwork is available -- image[number] Pulls indexed image from the bio field of the character assigned to a token, if any exist. --image1 will pull the first image, --image2 the second and so on. Otherwise returns first image if available. If no images are available, returns notice that no artwork is available -- tooltip Pulls the tooltip from a selected token. This option does not require the token to have an associated character. -- tokenimage Pulls all the image from a selected token. This option does not require the token to have an associated character. -- notitle This option suppresses the title in the chat output. It is useful for times when the GM might wish to show an image or note to the player without clueing them in wha the note is about. For instance, they may wish to reveal an image of a monster without revealing its name. This parameter can be added to any command. It is the only paramater for which this is true. Example !pcnote --image --notitle will pull the first of any images from the token's associate character sheet and send it to the chat without a title. --notitle may be added to the command in any order. -- id supply this with a token id, and the script will attempt to read the notes associated with a specific token, or the character associate with that token. There is no space between --id and the token id. Only one token id may be passed. -- handout|Handout Name| If this is present in the arguments, the note will be sent to a handout instead of chat. This can allow a note to remain usable without scrolling through the chat. It can also be used as a sort of floating palette. Notes in handouts can be updated. Running the macro again will regenerate the note. The string in between pipes will be used as the name of the note handout. If no handout by that name exists, Supernotes will create one and post a link in chat to open it. The title must be placed between two pipes. --handout|My Handout| will work. --handout|My Handout will fail. A note handout automatically creates a horizontal rule at the top of the handout. Anything typed manually above that rule will be persistent. Supernotes will not overwrite this portion. You can use this area to create Journal Command Buttons to generate new notes or to give some context to the existing note. All updates are live. -- help Displays help. -- config Returns a configuration dialog box that allows you to set which sheet's roll template to use, and to toggle the 'Send to Players' footer. ----- 5 dashes in a row indicate that anything that appears after this line should only be displayed on a !gmnote command. In this way, a GM could have public information in a note, but keep certain information secret. Examples: !pcnote --bio will send the contents of the selected characters bio to the chat for all players to see. !gmnote --charnote will whisper the character's GMnotes to the GM Templates Any Supernotes command can receive a template parameter, allowing you to choose from between 25 custom templates that should cover most common genres. You can of course, continue to use any of the supported sheet roll templates: Default, D&D 5th Edition by Roll20, 5e Shaped, Pathfinder by Roll20, Pathfinder Community, Pathfinder 2e by Roll20, and Starfinder. Templates can be accessed by adding: --template|templatename directly after the main command. You can then add any of the standard Supernotes commands to display art, token, bio, avatar and so forth. Examples: !gmnote --template|crt !pcnote --template|notebook --bio !pcnote --template|faraway --tokenimage All templates can use the "Send to Players" and "Make Handout" buttons at the bottom, though any note used to create a handout will use the default styling of a Roll20 handout. The text editor is too finicky otherwise and will result in better display across platforms and devices. I have tried to use web-safe fonts throughout (Mod scripts cannot use Google Fonts). As a bonus, all templates (including roll templates) now convert buttons to inline buttons, to eliminate the "Big Pink Button" syndrome. List of Templates generic . Just the facts, Ma'am. Nothing fancy here. dark . As above, but in reverse. crt . Retro greenscreen for hacking and cyberpunk. Or for reports on that xenomorph hiding on your ship. notebook . You know, for kids. Who like to ride bikes. Maybe they attend a school and fight vampires or rescue lost extraterrestrials gothic . Classic noire horror for contending with Universal monsters or maybe contending with elder gods. apoc . Messages scrawled on a wall. Crumbling and ancient, like the world that was. scroll . High fantasy. Or low fantasy—we don't judge. lcars . For opening hailing frequencies and to boldly split infinitives that no one has split before! faraway . No animated title crawl, but still has that space wizard feel. steam . Gears and brass have changed my life. western. Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear. dragon. Three-fivey style wizard. A fifth edition of templates. strange. Other kids who ride bikes and play D&D. gate3 . For folks who like the GOTY based on D&D. choices . A second style, suitable for for the same crowd. roll20light . for when you want your notes to have the feeling of authority roll20dark . As above, but.... dark news . Extra! Extra! Read all about it! You can even see the ink bleeding through from the other side of the newsprint. treasure . For listing all that loot. vault . A comforting style for sheltered people. path . A style that works well with PF2 Adventure Paths osrblue . Gygax-approved. Maybe. The graph paper even has yellowed edges scroll2 . An alternative to scroll, thats even scrollier. roman . Bonus style. This was added in a previous version, but was only documented mid-thread. One of those "worth a thousand word" things: Script Synergy Templates have been exposed to other scripts under the object " Supernotes_Templates " These templates can be called in ScriptCards macros. It also has good synergy with the Reporter script (also on One Click). This script will work well with the following Roll20 Tips n Tricks (and many more): Invisible Tokens - The Notes Token (API version) Invisible Tokens - The Control Token Invisible Tokens - The Door Control Chat Menus Map Pins Configuration When first installed, Supernotes is configured for the default roll template. It will display a config dialog box at startup that will allow you to choose a roll template based on your character sheet of choice, as well as the option to toggle whether you want the 'Send to Players' footer button to appear. You will need to edit the code of the script if you wish to create a custom configuration, or contact keithcurtis on the Roll20 forum and request an addition. The pre-installed sheets are: Default Template D&D 5th Edition by Roll20 5e Shaped, Pathfinder by Roll20 Pathfinder Community Pathfinder 2e by Roll20 Starfinder See previous above for custom genre templates. Changelong 0.0.5 Expanded utility of "--image" parameter 0.0.6 Added auto-configuration for most popular sheets 0.0.7 Fixed for breaking of certain accented characters and diacriticals 0.0.8 Added --notitle parameter 0.0.9 Added !selfnote 0.0.91 Improved pathfinder template usage, 0.1.0 Added the ability to use token id 0.1.1 Added Handout feature 0.2.0 Added custom templates, and configured base script to return in-line text links instead of Roll20 Big Pink Buttons. 0.2.1 Fixed parsing bug and added two new templates - wizard and dragon 0.2.2 Minor tweaks. Corrected catch line in API_Meta 0.2.3 Minor fix to roman template 0.2.4 Added 10 new templates