So my DM was having issues with his game and myself + another player went to help him out. All of us were sharing our screen on discord and both the DM and I noticed something completely different from the problem he had. The DM and I are both Pro Users and own most of the books. We noticed the Free users had some cool tokens in compendium. They were from the SRD. My DM originally had issues pulling mosnters from the compendium to the table and the size would come out incorrectly. Large/Huge/Tiny all came out as medium. We tested new campaigns and all that jazz. What we noticed was, when the free user tried to mimick the same monsters, they were SRD. Ours were MM of the same name. I can only assume the MM replaces / overrides SRD tokens. Kinda sucks because I liked some of the dragon token pictures on the SRD and would like to have access to them. what gives? PS: we resolved the sizing issue for the DM