Jarren said: FYI Beyond20 does not link anything except the name from DDB to Roll20. You can have a completely blank PC character sheet on Roll20 as long as it has the exact same name of the character from DDB. So if you are not using the PC sheet at all on Roll20, then setting it to PC or NPC really doesn't matter. If you have a character sheet on Roll20 that has the exact same name as the character on Beyond20, then the Beyond20 script will generate roll outputs using the D&D 5E by Roll20 templates for any rolls ported from DDB. It does not matter if that character sheet is set to NPC or PC, because the Beyond20 extension is not using anything from the character sheet except for the name. All of the roll data is coming from DDB. I also extensively use DDB for PC character sheets and Beyond20 to port rolls for my players into Roll20. But I use the Roll20 character sheets for NPCs, as I find it much easier to adjust things to make modified NPCs, and use scripts like TokenNameNumber (to add a number to each instance of a goblin - Gobin 1, Goblin 2, etc.). So I developed the Statblock MacroMule to make it easier to roll from all of my NPCs. I see that you don't have a Pro subscription for access to Mod scripts, but if you're creating NPCs on Roll20 then it is still available for you as well (you can import the MacroMule from my shared Character Vault campaign). Thank you, that is exactly what I wanted to know! Much appreciated!