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This is a major update of the 'Universal NPC Statblock Abilities and Spells Chat Menus for D&D 5e sheet' with many enhancements compared to that version. This MacroMule will generate Skills & Spells chat menus for both NPCs and PCs, without requiring any Stylus extensions or API scripts. It is ready to use as is and will generate a chat menu with buttons, and only display abilities, spells, attacks, rolls, etc. that exist on the character sheet, and won't display categories or spells levels that the character doesn't have.
I'll break this post down into several posts (because of character limits on posts in Roll20).
Known Limitations / Troubleshooting
If you're having any issues, check here first.
General Features
General Features, including the Menu, Stats, Rolls, and Spells buttons, including screenshots.
PC and NPC Features
Specific features for PCs versus NPCs, including screenshots.
Step 1: Macro Mule Setup
Option A. Scripted (using an API Mod script for Pro Subscribers)
Option B. Character Vault (for Plus users or Free users with export slots available)
Option C. Manually (for Free users with no export slots available)
Instructions on how to set up the macro calls in the collections tab or on NPC character sheets.
Step 3: Customization
Instructions on how to customize the appearance (important for Dark Mode!).
Instructions on how to customize Whisper Settings.
Suggested character customizations/configurations
The EncounterMule is a supplementary tool for GMs to quickly display a group of PC and NPCs stats for combat. It relies on the StatMule character to work.
If you were using my previous version, there have now been a LOT of changes. My suggestion is to rename your current Macro Mule, and (re)build this new one. That way, if something gets mucked up, you can just change the old Macro Mule back and keep using it until any issues are resolved.
I want to give thanks to a LOT of people. For the Forum Champions who have been around for a long time and provide so much guidance to other players, and whom I've consolidated a lot of ideas and tips and tricks to create this Macro Mule approach. To the scripters out there who write amazing Mod scripts, and whom I've borrowed code and hacked together some kind of working semblance of a script. And to everyone who has used any of my Macro Mules and has helped find bugs, troubleshoot, or give feedback on how it's working. I truly appreciate you all!
If you're using this, please comment and let me know! I love hearing that it's useful for other people playing D&D 5th Edition! And if you have any issues getting it set up, or feedback about it in general, let me know that as well.
2/28/13 (v3.1)
Updated CreateMacroMule Mod script to v3.1 (and updated Google Sheets code) for PCProficienciesList to correctly toggle between 'on' and 'off'.
Fixed the 'MM' character on the CharacterVault game to be visible to 'All' so that it's actually... useable.
Added information/caveat for Warlocks and non-spellcasters to display Spell Attack and Spell Save DC information.
4/10/23 (v3.2)
Removed all of the manual bolding tags so the default is not bolded for the spell names.
Roll20 now allows up to three character vault exports into games at the Free level. Also fixed the script so that when the name is changed and a 'new' MacroMule character is created that it is visible to 'All'.
11/22/23 (v3.3)
Updated 'List' items to include a message if there are additional entries that are not shown (if there are more entries than the macro displays).
Increased the number of spells to 15 per level.
Fixed the 'Tools' code to correctly display when 'consolidated proficiencies' is enabled on a PC.
1/21/23 (v3.4)
Added Exhaustion to the PC Stats and PC Rolls menus.
Fixed text in chat menus to show as clickable or not clickable.
Spell 'description' icon buttons now follow the MacroMule whisper settings, instead of the selected character's whisper settings.
3/15/24 (v3.5)
Added toggle for Light/Dark mode colors & updated 'Style' Abilities
Added Info description buttons to inventory items
Multiclass descriptions on PCStats and PCBio
Added Save modifiers & Proficiency Icons on Rolls menus, & toggle for sorting
Added Concentration & Ritual icons to spell lists
4/17/24 (v3.5.1)
Added 'Hit Die' roll to PC Roll menus
5/31/24 (v3.5.2)
Fixed PCRolls-Sorted and NPCRolls-Sorted to correctly list Nature and Religion under Intelligence instead of Wisdom.
8/2/24 (v3.6.0)
Added option to completely hide unprepared spells.
All character names in menus will now open the character sheet.
I renamed all attributes with 'Style' in the name to remove 'Link' (E.g. 'InfoLinkStyle' became 'InfoStyle').
Added the 'EncounterMule'