Somewhere along the line the quality and quantity of jpg images one could find using the Search function for "From the Web" has gone drastically downhill. For a while there, it was just a few images that were evidently from artists with whom you must have had a falling out, because when one went to pull and drop them onto a map, nothing happened, it was as if they didn't exist. That was bad enough. But NOW, forget it. Try typing in "door".... you used to at least get a smattering of map-ready tokens that you could drag and drop and voila, instant door. Now all you get are PICTURES of doors. Same thing with something as innocuous as "ship", with equally hilarious (and useless) results. Try it for yourself. Basically it has turned into a situation where if we don't have usable art already saved in our library, we aren't able to pull anything up on a whim anymore. Why??