So I had a thought about rolls, dunno if it's already been done before, or if it's even possible. I was working on a Google Doc of macros for my campaign, copying over the rolls for the repeating sections, changing zeros to ones, two, threes, you know how it goes. And I was thinking, on every single roll I'm writing out the same basic attack roll, but with some variations in other parts of the roll. Wouldn't it be simpler to define an ability of part of the roll, and then reference it each time. That way if I mess up the basic roll, I only have to fix it in one spot, and not for EVERY. SINGLE. ROLL! So here's what I'm thinking, have a <div> section at the top of the sheet, that through the CSS is hidden. Inside that <div> you define a set of Global variables with roll buttons: things like AC, Skill rolls, Bonuses, anything that is referenced multiple times. Then in the actual character sheet, you only have to type the %ability in the roll, and if there is something wrong with that ability, you just have to fix it the Global Variables at the top of the sheet. Thoughts? (As soon as I post this I'm going to go write a basic character sheet to test the theory, be right back...)