Hi DM Blake! Although I haven't seen it reported in some time, it used to occasionally be the case that something about the page you were last on was so complex, or gitched that it wouldn't allow that page to be loaded. Usually it was a case of size and/or dynamic lighting. Before the next step of a Help Center Request , try this: Create a Dummy Account . Give it an invitation to the game. Once it has joined, promote it to Gamemaster. The Dummy account should open the game wherever the player flag is, which with any luck is not the problem page. Have the Dummy account turn off Dynamic Lighting on the page your regular account is on, without actually navigating there. See if your regular account will load. If it doesn't, have the Dummy Account duplicate the page, and delete the original. If your regular account still will not load, then file that Help Center Request . It might be good to capture a Console Log ( Chrome , Firefox ) to add to the report, taken from the time your regular account tries to load the game. That will help them figure out what's going wrong. Good Luck!