Right now, with the exception of lighting features (Sight & Multiplier), all players see all of the same assets at the same time.
Add a "Visible To:" setting on all assets. If left blank, it defaults visible to All Players. If the GM enters a specific player name or names, only those players can see that asset--other players treat them as if they are on the GM Layer and don't see anything until they are added to the "Visible To" Box.
Perception: You could have certain features of the map only visible to characters with a high passive perception.
Stealth & Invisibility: You could change this setting for stealthed or invisible tokens to remove them from player view without needing to move them to the GM layer. This would allow for characters with high Perception or the ability to detect invisibility to still see the token.
Hallucinations: If you're playing a horror game, you could set up hallucinations that appear only to characters with low sanity.
Dynamic Lighting: You could set a line in dynamic lighting to be visible only to characters whose vision you want blocked--useful if a character has a power that lets them see through walls, for example.