My GM wants to make a general splash screen for players to use, and he wants to keep specific information on the splash screen for them. However, this information should not be revealed to other players. The top half of the page is visible to everyone, accomplished by putting a token on the dynamic lighting layer and giving it a light range of 5000 ft, and checking the "All Players See Light" box. The bottom half of the page is divided into six horizontal segments, with a single player's token in each segment. I then placed tokens on the Dynamic Lighting Layer, gave the players control over their respective lighting tokens in their row, and set the light radius to 5000ft as well. I also put up dividers on the dynamic lighting layer so each player could only see their row, and not into the rows of the other players. The problem I have is that when I log onto the page as a player, I can only see the top half of the page. I can't see my own row. Any ideas where I went wrong?