Current Situation There is no option for formatting output sent to chat unless you use the API to send a /direct message, and as a result, this is a feature only open to mentor level subscribers. There are many examples of this usage including the excellent Powercards script which allows users to output large amounts of content to the chat in a readable format. Without this formatting the same content is significantly more difficult to read. The Proposal Allow users, at whatever subscription level you feel is appropriate for this feature, to be able to natively, and without having to use an API script, use some basic HTML (or some other formatting language or system) to format their output to chat. With the character sheet system in place this would allow sheet authors to make significant improvements to the output from their roll buttons without having to direct users to load an API script on their campaigns....not to mention allowing users to craft much more readable custom macros/token actions should they choose to. The End Goal It should be possible to produce formatted and nicely presented chat output, without the use of an API script. Advanced features (for example multiple rolls, custom crit highlighting, etc...) would still be handled by the API.