Aaron, First of all, let me say how much I love your scripts and appreciate all the effort that you put into them. Secondly, I have encountered an issue with this script, and I was wondering if you could help with it. While playing, the group finished a combat encounter and I cleared the initiative list like I always do then reset the turn, and then closed the window. When I did this, the turnmarker icon disappeared completely from the map and I can't get it back. When I reopen the turn list, and the turn order automatically advances 2 turns in the chat window, but no icon appears. It also crashes the API randomly too. The script is almost completely broken on this map, and it is only on this map that it has errors, I can reset the API and load up previous maps and the icon is in its normal place and the script works fine. I have tried disabling the script, completely deleting the script and reinstalling, but to no avail. Any assistance you could offer would be fantastic. Here is a list of scripts I am running: isGM, Automatic Status Markers, TurnMarker Script, 4e Power Cards, MarkStatus Manager, D&D 4e Monster Importer, D&D 4e Character Importer, Carrying Tokens v2 (currently disabled due to crashing the API, still trying to figure this one out too.) Edit: After playing with it for a bit, the script is "working" however there is still no token. I can add PCs to the list and advance the turns, and the chat notifications work fine, just no token. Is there any way to re-add the token to the map?