Since it doesn't look like anyone is interested in being GM, might I suggest something collaborative? Maybe one person GMs to start, but each player has a PC, either the GM's player sits out or somehow takes a backseat while that person GMs. Then we can take turns GMing. I've only GM'd a couple of sessions of Cyberpunk, so it could be a learning experience for all of us.
I'd suggest forming a team of some type - maybe mercenaries, or perhaps a private investigative team? Personally, I like the idea of a media-based team - a "face" personality, investigator, techie, a driver/security person, videographer, maybe a fixer (although I tend to prefer them as NPCs). I like this idea because the storyline would not necessarily be all about combat, and it also gives a reason to explore lots of different situations/settings (how many corporate extractions can you really do, and keep them fresh?).
I'm willing to get the ball rolling by creating a campaign and "character sheet." There isn't a CP2020 sheet on Roll20-at least not that I could find-but it shouldn't be hard to set up a sheet with attributes and skill macros, then you just check the ones you're using for your character. And I don't mind creating the first "job" or two, but I am also GMing a D&D campaign, and have 3 kids, in addition to a real life, so I can't promise it will happen quickly. However, if you're interested in collaborating on this, send me a PM, and we'll discuss it.