Several people have had me troubleshoot their Marvel Super Heroes campaign only to find it is an issue with the character sheet. If you are unable to modify your "health" or "karma" values (usually because you are trying to use the denominator box) in the token's bubbles please follow the steps below: 1) Go into the character's "Attributes tab" and delete the attribute called "health" (lower case). Note: this does not affect the character sheet. The attribute called "health" is a duplicate of a "hidden attribute" the character sheet is using. The duplicate is created when you link it to your token. 2) Create an attribute called "Health-Bar" (or similar). In the second box put in: @{health}. Leave the first box blank for now. 3) On the token link the health bar to the attribute "Health-Bar". Now fill in the first box. Repeat this process for "karma" Alternately, you can choose to not link the health and karma bars to the character sheet.