I looked for this and didn't see it. On the Edit Token/Advanced page for 'Emits Light': Could there be more than 1 option for light source? Currently, each time a character enables an alternate light source, I am going in and changing the Emit Light settings. I have had to keep a record of the original settings for when the light source is turned off/expires so I can 'reset' the tokens vision. If I could just click on 1 of multiple possible settings, this would be MUCH easier. Example: PC has a natural Low Light Vision and that sight is placed in 1 setting. An alternate light source (bullseye lantern) is carried (which allows more distance light source) is in another. Then a check box to choose which source is being currently utilized (or maybe both active since for combat - the low light would still work in all directions [situation awareness] where the bullseye only points forward)