Card decks are not working at all for me. I tried using the built in default deck and tried making a new one. No matter what options I have selected on the card deck and no matter how many cards are in the deck I get the following error message every time I click on a card once the deck is "on the table": If I try to drag a card (without clicking) to the player name it gets stuck as shown below AND shows the above error message. Again, I did this with both a custom deck, and the default deck. I tried it with both Infinite deck turned on and off. Doesn't matter. All I am allowed to do is edit the decks and show/hide them. The stuck card in the picture above will not go away unless I exit the game. When I joined back into the game the card deck would still be "on the table" regardless of whether I chose to "Hide" before exiting the game. This is my first time really trying to use the decks, so if this has already been reported, sorry for the repeat. Otherwise, I'm using Windows 7 Pro 64 bit, Chrome Version 39.0.2171.71 m, 34.6 mbps down/4.25mbs up internet connection. Thanks folks!