Hi, i've written the following which allows any character to calculate their damage on a critical according to the 3.5 ruleset: @{selected|token_name} strikes mightily for [[1*@{selected|weapon1critmult}d?{Damage Die|?}]] + [[@{selected|weapon1damagestat}[Weapon1DamageStat] +@{selected|weapon1enh}[Weapon1 Enh] +@{selected|weapon1specialize}[Weapon1 Specialization] * @{selected|weapon1critmult}]] + [[?{Other Damage Bonus?|0}[Other Damage Bonus]]] damage! it works out how many dice to roll from their crit multiplier, then adds up all their bonuses and multiplies them by the same amount then allows the player to add any extra damage that isn't subject to the crit multiplier (flaming weapon etc). However, i can't quite get it to work, it will roll the dice but doesn't generate any result in the chat window? Could someone kindly show me the light? Thanks