Updates & Bugfixes: Jan 3rd, 2014 ~ 7:45 am eastern Version : 2.2.0 Update : --target_list replaced --targets and has significantly more features (see op) Added new config option... SUPPRESS_INLINE_CHARMS ...setting this to true turns all attribute charms into plain text. This part of the new feature will change to make this more flexible instead of all or nothing. Token charms are all plain text currently regardless of this setting. Bugfix : Implementation of [CR#|#] made [HR] and [LR] stop working properly. Bugfix : Using --whisper with custom emotes broke the emote badly. Bugfix : Zero dice rolls (0d0, 0d1, etc) broke the script. New Feature ~ Target Info Charms This new feature lets you grab info from a character sheet or token by using --target_list|@{target|1st Target|token_id} | @{target|2nd Target|token_id} | etc to create the list of targets and then adding target info charms into the content of your powercard such as %%token_name%% to get the name of the token. The types of charms are broken down into two categories: token charms and attribute charms. Token charms area set list that grab information like bar values and the name of the token. Attribute charms can be any attribute on a character sheet and they are case sensitive. AC is not the same as aC, Ac, or ac. Finally... and this is very important ...all charms referring to a target must be in the same tag. You cannot have charms split between tags. If you want to create a kind of stat sheet, use line breaks ^^ to create new lines. Good Examples !power --name|Single Target Attack --target_list|@{target| |token_id} --Attack|[[1d20+5]] | [[1d20+5]] vs %%AC%% Armor Class (%%token_name%%) --Hit|[[1d8+3]] slashing damage !power --name|Scorching Burst | Nine Targets --target_list|@{target|1st|token_id} | @{target|2nd|token_id} | @{target|3rd|token_id} | @{target|4th|token_id} | @{target|5th|token_id} | @{target|6th|token_id} | @{target|7th|token_id} | @{target|8th|token_id} | @{target|9th|token_id} --Attack#?{Number of targets|1}|[[1d20+5]] vs %%Reflex%% Reflex (%%token_name%%) --Hit|[[1d8+3]] fire damage For a multi-attack power like Scorching Burst in D&D 4e, you create the macro as above and just click nine times and then when the pop up for number of targets appears, type in the actual number of targets in the area and hit enter. The script will ignore the rest of the targets in the list. For example, in the snip below... I clicked nine tokens pretty quickly. Only the first four mattered since those were my actual targets. Then I typed in the number of targets and hit enter when the pop up appeared. !power --name|Stats --target_list|@{target|1st Target|token_id} --Target|%%token_name%% ^^ **Hit Points:** %%bar3%%/%%bar3_max%% ^^ **Defenses:** AC %%AC%%, Fort %%Fortitude%%, Reflex %%Reflex%%, Will %%Will%% Bad Example !power --name|Bad Example --target_list|@{target| |token_id} --Target|%%token_name%% --Attack|[[1d20+5]] | [[1d20+5]] vs %%AC%% Armor Class --Hit|[[1d8+3]] slashing damage to %%token_name%% In the example above, the %%AC%% and second %%token_name%% charms would not be replaced with the proper info. Token Charms %%token_name%% %%bar1%% %%bar1_max%% %%bar2%% %%bar2_max%% %%bar3%% %%bar3_max%% Sample Attribute Charms %%Strength%% %%Strength Mod%% %%Fortitude% %%Reflex%% %%Will%% %%HP%% %%Hit Points%%