so i have a problem, before i found powercards i made global macros for attacks, saves, ability checks that would reference player and NPC character sheets. My players preferred it when i would "hide" the rolls using /w GM, they told me it helped improve immersion for them. converting the macros for use with power cards has been simple, until i started doing the spell macros, embedding a link to the spells handout inside the title name of the power card. previously this link was just in the body of the non-powercard macro. but now it seems to be broken. below is a few examples of the different types of cards i made. (i broke them apart by tags, i know they have to be on the same line.) Edit: i am using the 5e Character sheets with "@{token_pre} Sir Lady Lord the a an, @{gender1} his her it's,@{gender2} him her it, @{gender3} he she it" custom attributes. // VERSION INFO var PowerCards_Author = "HoneyBadger"; var PowerCards_Version = "2.3.4"; var PowerCards_LastUpdated = "January 9th, 2015 ~ 5:00 am eastern"; <><><><><> Spell Card (does not work, keeps breaking, returning classic r20 emotes full or gibberish and a broken link in the card title.) <><><><><> !power --tokenid|@{selected|token_id} --emote|@{Selected|token_pre} @{Selected|token_name} uses the tricks of @{Selected|gender1} trade to create a communications link with @{Target|token_pre} @{target|token_name}. --whisper|GM --name|||$$#FFFFFF|Message$$@@ (this is a link to a handout in journal tab, with full spell description) --leftsub|Action --rightsub|Transmutation Cantrip --Range|120 feet --Duration|1 Round --Target|@{Target|token_pre} @{Target|Token_name} --!Description|//see handout for details.// <><><><><> Melee / Ranged Attack (works fine, used as #Melee1 in a macro on the players ability tab, with "!power --tokenid| --emote|" tags, one size fits all) <><><><><> --whisper|GM --name|@{Selected|meleeweaponname1} vs @{target|token_pre} @{target|token_name} --leftsub|Action --rightsub|Melee Attack --^1Attack *1|[[1d20 + @{selected|meleetohit1} [To Hit] + (@{selected|global_melee_attack_bonus}) [Active Melee Attack Bonus] ]] | [[1d20 + @{selected|meleetohit1} [To Hit] + (@{selected|global_melee_attack_bonus}) [Active Melee Attack Bonus] ]] --^2vs AC|[[@{target|AC}]] --On Hit *1|[[@{selected|meleedmg1} [Base damage] + @{selected|meleedmgbonus1} [Damage Bonus] + (@{selected|global_melee_damage_bonus}) [Active Melee Damage Bonus] + 0d0 [Bugfix 0] ]] //@{selected|meleedmgtype1}// --!^2 Crit *1|(On Crit Add [[@{selected|meleedmg1}]]) <><><><><> Ability check / saving throw (works fine) <><><><><> !power --charid|@{Target|character_id} --whisper|GM --name|@{Target|token_name} ♦ Strength --leftsub|Skill Check --rightsub|Saving Throw --Str Check|[[1d20 + @{Target|basic_Strength_check_mod} [Strength Mod] + (@{Target|global_check_bonus}) [Active Check Bonus] ]] | [[1d20 + @{Target|basic_Strength_check_mod} [Strength Mod] + (@{Target|global_check_bonus}) [Active Check Bonus] ]] --Str Save|[[1d20 + @{Target|Strength_save_mod} [Stat Mod and Proficiency] + (@{Target|global_saving_bonus}) [Active Save Bonus] ]] | [[1d20 + @{Target|Strength_save_mod} [Stat Mod and Proficiency] + (@{Target|global_saving_bonus}) [Active Save Bonus] ]] <><><><> End Examples <><><><> i dont know why the first example (Spell card) keeps breaking when the others work fine, i believe i filled them in properly but it still keeps breaking and often times crashing the API itself. any advice or if you notice any errors in my macros please let me know. P.S. i wasnt sure if it was possible, but i put some tags with commonly used content, into macros and call them from inside the card with #macroname like hte melee1 example above.