Im getting some weird results on some rolls. Using a Rapier, with proficiency on main hand, finess to yes, magic bonus at 0. Main settings are +6 to attack rolls and proficiency is +2 for a level 1 rogue. Its giving this on the roll calculation: <span original-title="<img src="/images/quantumrollwhite.png" class="inlineqroll"> Rolling 1d20 + (((ceil(((floor((12-10)/2))/1e10) - ((floor((19-10)/2))/1e10))) * (floor((12-10)/2))) + ((ceil(((floor((19-10)/2))/1e10) - ((floor((12-10)/2))/1e10))) * (floor((19-10)/2))) + ((1 - (ceil(((floor((12-10)/2))/1e10) - ((floor((19-10)/2))/1e10))) - (ceil(((floor((19-10)/2))/1e10) - ((floor((12-10)/2))/1e10)))) * ((floor((12-10)/2))))) + (ceil((0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0)/1e10) + ceil((0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0)/4)) + 0 [To Hit] + (6) [Active Melee Attack Bonus] = (<span class="basicdiceroll critsuccess ">20</span>)+(((ceil(((floor((12-10)/2))/10000000000)-((floor((19-10)/2))/10000000000)))*(floor((12-10)/2)))+((ceil(((floor((19-10)/2))/10000000000)-((floor((12-10)/2))/10000000000)))*(floor((19-10)/2)))+((1-(ceil(((floor((12-10)/2))/10000000000)-((floor((19-10)/2))/10000000000)))-(ceil(((floor((19-10)/2))/10000000000)-((floor((12-10)/2))/10000000000))))*((floor((12-10)/2)))))+(ceil((0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+1+0+0+0)/10000000000)+ceil((0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+1+0+0+0)/4))+0+(6)”> Which gives the result of 32. Which is impossible from a 1d20+6 roll. Any ideas? Since I cannot get to the code of the character sheets some help would be fantastic. Sorry ive put the code like that above (used inspect element and took the /span away, as not sure how to put snippets of code on here. Its also doing this on damage rolls and a number of different rolls based off the character sheet