I looked around and didn't see any option for this (as a table or even as dice). I have made a rollable table that currently contains 5 items and it is usable by a PC can handle a mandated random roll. He is capable of having only 2 items from this list at a time, but without duplicates. Is there a parameter or something that would go with /roll 2t[Wyld-Table] that would prevent the possibly of getting the same result twice (by maybe self re-rolling or something if duplicates)? It actually happens quite a bit and he has to keep re-rolling it. I would just like it to be cleaner as it eats up large chat space. He ends up needing to roll this every couple battle rounds so fewer re-rolls would be better. Which leads me to: I have attempted to put the table roll into an inline roll result. It works fine when I do a [[1t[Wyld-Table]]] as it gives me the single table result inline. However, when I try any higher number [[2t[Wyld-Table]]] - I still only get a single result showing. Am I overlooking something or does this just not happen for tables since they are not "being mathed together"?