Monday is my birthday and I orgianlly had plans, but they got moved to later in the day so I have the morning and afternoon off now. Was wondering any anyone is interested in doing a oneshot and learning some DnD 4e? I would welcome and go over stuff for people who want to give the game a shot, or just learn more of the basics. We would use skype to talk, and we would play on Monday, sometime between 8am and 4pm MST. I would do 2 hours for setup and character creation, then about a 4 hour game session. So about 6 hours or less if things go smoothly. I would like 4-6 players (not including myself) And I can run an NPC healer to help out, cause those can be boring to play sometimes for a one shot. Not sure on level I'm thinking a few levels higher but not to high to give some room to play around. Maybe level 4? I'm sure I'm forgetting something, throw your questions or interest here.