*** Edit V1.02 - Minor changes to how AC is calculated, tokens are now populated with HP showing as a bar on bar 3 which players can see, AC as number on bar 2 which they can't. Token name added and displayed. *** Edit V1.04 - Added in a statement to catch "undefined" variables being written to the character sheet and causing errors. Returns an error message and ignores the attribute. Also corrected an error in how the AC of creatures with negative dex bonus was being added up. *** Edit V2.01 - Replaced several functions with those provided by Aaron above! Should be more robust / efficient. *** Edit V2.02 - Minor change, fixed bug with "Other Gear" *** Edit V2.10 - Updated so that the script now parses Melee Attacks. It creates abilities (Attack Roll + Damage) and also partially completes the "Repeating Weapon X" section. This is still in testing - user beware! *** Edit V2.20 - Adapted to parse both Melee and Range. Also deals better with a few things like leading pluses (eg +4 longsword attack) *** Edit V2.21 - Added in error handling to ignore attacks for creatures without Melee or Ranged (the dragons were broke haha) *** Edit V2.22 - Added the Race, Class & Level, Weaknesses, DR, Resistances, Immunities, SR that were missing. *** Edit V2.23 - Fixed a bug where damage with no modifier (eg 1d6 flat, no +/-) in the damage strings would case errors. *** Edit V2.24 - Fixed a bug where attacks without enhancements were still trying to assign null values and throwing errors. ***Edit V2.25 - Completed the repeating weapons section and made it sum correctly (Thanks Kevin!) Also fixed the crit multipliers 3 and above that weren't getting picked up. Please note the Pathfinder Reference Document works the best because of its format, where as the D20pfsrd tends to do bothersome things with tables and need copying via notepad etc first. **** Troubleshooting! Script doesn't deal well with duplicates, especially for uniques that it searches for (size eg the word "Gargantuan" or "Large" appearing in a special ability is a common one- just abbreviate it in stat block to fix) See notes in this thread on Dire Rat for troubleshooting tips! /* PATHFINDER STAT BLOCK IMPORTER FOR ROLL20 API
Author Jason.P 18/1/2015
Version 2.25
Updated to Parse both Ranged and Melee attacks (Aaron you will see a lot of your influence here! :-D)
This script was written to import as much detail as possible from Pathfinder Reference Document's
Stat Blocks into the Pathfinder NPC sheets. (may work a HeroLab stat blocks too, need to test)
****** Huge shout out first of all to Aaron for all his help and feedback. Wouldn't be able to do this without the tips!
****** Also Peter W for his original layout and the initial parsing. Kevin and HoneyBadger too for their work of this kind.
class name and level
Type and Subtype (string)
Initiative Bonus (so total Init adds up with dex mod correctly)
Senses (string)
Auras (string)
AC bonuses broken down: Armour, Shield, Deflect, Dodge, Natural (sheet does Size, Dex)- all others report to Misc
Fort, Ref, Will saves (bonuses that add up correctly with releant ability mods) + save notes
Defensive Abiliites (string, only if the line leads with "Defensive Abilities")
Speed (base, burrow, climb, fly, maneuverability, swim)
Special Attacks (string)
Tactics (Before combat, during combat as string)
Abilities (STR - > CHA)
Base Attack Bonus
Languages (as string)
Special Qualities (as string)
Gear (combat, Other as string)
Melee and Ranged Attacks (Parses, writes attack roll and damage roll macros, partially updates Repeating Weapon slots in char sheet)
special abilities
CMB,CMD specifics and Notes
Slowly working through the list of 'does nots'. next on the chopping block- Special abilities!
1. Go to PRD (PFSRD does work, but beware formatting!) website, find yourself some baddies (or NPC's)
2. Copy the stat block from *Name CRX* to Combat/Other Gear (or SQ, whatever is last. Can copy more, just doesn't get used)
3. Paste the stat block into the GM Notes Section of a token in your roll20 campaign.
Clean up the title as you want it to appear in your Journal - like "Valeros CR12"
4. in the chat box, type the command "!PathfinderImport".
Happy gaming! Hope this makes things easier for you to throw hoards of baddies at your players!
Let me know if you have any feedback, be it tips, improvement ideas, or requests
(keep in mind i was introduced to Javascript 2 days ago!)
var RegExpEscapeSpecial =/([\/\\\/\[\]\(\)\{\}\?\+\*\|\.\^\$])/g;
var AddAttribute = AddAttribute || {};
function AddAttribute(attr, value, charID) {
if (value === undefined )
log(attr + " has returned an undefined value.");
sendChat("Error on " + attr + " attribute", "This attribute has been ignored.");
createObj("attribute", {
name: attr,
current: value,
characterid: charID
//use the line below for diagnostics!
//log(attr + ", " + value);
// function that adds the various abilities
var AddAbility = AddAbility || {};
function addAbility(ability, text, charID) {
createObj("ability", {
name: ability,
description: "",
action: text,
istokenaction: true,
characterid: charID
function stripString(str, removeStr, replaceWith) {
var r= new RegExp(removeStr.replace(RegExpEscapeSpecial,"\\$1"),'g');
return str.replace(r,replaceWith);
/*Cleans up the string leaving text and hyperlinks */
function cleanUpString(strSpecials) {
strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%20", " ");
strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%22", "\"");
strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%29", ")");
strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%28", "(");
strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%2C", ",");
var inParens = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < strSpecials.length; i++)
if (strSpecials[i]==="(")
if (strSpecials[i]===")")
if ((inParens > 0) && (strSpecials[i]===","))
var post = strSpecials.slice(i);
strSpecials = strSpecials.replace(post,"") ;
post = post.replace(","," ");
strSpecials = strSpecials + post;
strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%3C", "<");
strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%3E", ">");
strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%23", "#");
strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%3A", ":");
strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%3B", ",");
strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%3D", "=");
strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "</strong>", "");
strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "<strong>", "");
strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "</em>", "");
strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "<em>", "");
strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "%u2013", "-");
strSpecials = stripStringRegEx(strSpecials, "<b", ">");
strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "</b>", "");
strSpecials = stripStringRegEx(strSpecials, "<h", ">");
strSpecials = stripStringRegEx(strSpecials, "</h", ">");
strSpecials = stripString(strSpecials, "</a>", "");
strSpecials = stripStringRegEx(strSpecials, "<t", ">");
strSpecials = stripStringRegEx(strSpecials, "</t", ">");
while (strSpecials.search(/%../) != -1) {
strSpecials = strSpecials.replace(/%../, "");
return strSpecials;
/* Deletes any characters between the character a and b in incstr */
function stripStringRegEx(incstr, a, b) {
var ea = a.replace(RegExpEscapeSpecial,"\\$1"),
eb = b.replace(RegExpEscapeSpecial,"\\$1"),
r = new RegExp( ea+'.*?'+eb , 'g');
return incstr.replace(r,'');
/* Deletes the links from the string str */
function removeLinks(str) {
return stripStringRegEx(str, "<", ">");
//looks for an occurrence of str in the array strArray, if found returns that element
// on doConcat, strips a trailing "and" and concatenates with the next line.
function findString(strArray, str, doConcat) {
var retr,
r = new RegExp(str.replace(RegExpEscapeSpecial,"\\$1"));
retr = v;
if(doConcat && v.match(/and$/) && l[k+1]) {
retr=retr.replace(/and$/,'')+', '+l[k+1];
return true;
return false;
return retr;
/* returns the string between two characters a/b */
function getSubStr(str, a, b) {
var ea = a.replace(RegExpEscapeSpecial,"\\$1"),
eb = b.replace(RegExpEscapeSpecial,"\\$1"),
r = new RegExp( ea+'(.*?)'+eb),
m = str.match(r);
return m && m[1];
/* returns every string between two characters a/b */
function getAllSubStr(str, a, b) {
var ea = a.replace(RegExpEscapeSpecial,"\\$1"),
eb = b.replace(RegExpEscapeSpecial,"\\$1"),
r = new RegExp( ea+'(.*?)'+eb,'g'),
m = str.match(r);
return m;
//removes numbers from array and trims white space on ends of elements
function removeNumbersFromArray (strArray)
return _.map(strArray,function(s){
return s.replace(/\d+/g,'').trim();
function removeNonNumericFromArray (strArray)
return _.map(strArray,function(s){
return parseInt(s.replace(/\D+/g,''),10 || 0);
function sumArray(numArray) {
return _.reduce(numArray,function(acc,n){
return acc + ( parseInt(n,10) || 0 );
}, 0);
function getAbilityMod(ability) {
return Math.floor((ability-10)/2);
function parseAttack(data,searchString, attackBonus, dmgBonus, reach,repeatStartNum, charID) {
// start with the whole attack line
var attackLine = findString(data, searchString, true);
if (attackLine === false || attackLine === undefined) {
return 0
} else {
attackLine = attackLine.replace(searchString,"");
attackLine = attackLine.trim();
//separate the attack line into two arrays, one with content from outside brackets, one inside.
var attackBrackets = getAllSubStr(attackLine,"(", ")");
var attackNoBrackets = stripStringRegEx(attackLine,"(", ")");
attackNoBrackets = stripString(attackNoBrackets," and ",",");
attackNoBrackets = stripString(attackNoBrackets," or ",",");
attackNoBrackets = attackNoBrackets.split(",");
//initialise the variables outside the loops
var attackName = "",
dmgDiceNum = "",
dmgDiceSides = "",
dmgDiceAdd = "",
threatenString = "",
critMultString = "",
attackString = ""
attackValues = [""]
attack = 0
damage = 0
enhance = [0]
mwk = [0]
abilityAttackString = ""
abiStrAttackHeader = ""
abiStrAttack = ""
abiStrAttackFooter = ""
extraDice = "";
// cycle through each element in the array of attacks
for ( i=0; i<attackNoBrackets.length; i++) {
attackNoBrackets[i] = attackNoBrackets[i].trim();
//if there are any spaces inside brackets (indicating there is an extra effect)
// then set the extraDice = everything after the first space, else ""
if(attackBrackets[i].match(/\S+\s/) === null) {
extraDice = ""
} else {
extraDice = attackBrackets[i].replace(/\S+\s/, "");
extraDice = extraDice.replace(")","");
//adds the hits and crits mod tag for use in the damage macro later, as well as surrounding
//anything in format XdX with [[ ]] brackets for an inline roll.
extraDice = extraDice.replace(/(\d+d\d)/g,"[[(?{Hits-Landed|0}+?{Crits-Landed|0})*$1]]");
//search for anything followed by a + in the attack, store as name. ( ) save name separate to +
attackName = attackNoBrackets[i].match(/(.*) \+/);
//search for XdX(+/-)X and store as damage string.
dmgString = attackBrackets[i].match(/(\d+)d(\d+)\+*?(\-*?\d+)/);
//This if handles the case where the damage is just XdX (no addition or subtraction)
if (dmgString === null) {
dmgString = attackBrackets[i].match(/(\d+)d(\d+)/);
dmgDiceAdd = 0;
} else {
dmgDiceAdd = parseInt(dmgString[3],10);
dmgDiceNum = parseInt(dmgString[1],10);
dmgDiceSides = parseInt(dmgString[2],10);
//search for X- as threaten (eg 19-20 = 19), "/x"X as crit multiplier
threatenString = attackBrackets[i].match(/\/(\d+)-/);
critMultString = attackBrackets[i].match(/\/(\d+)\)/);
//if the first character is a + (eg +4 longsword) then remove the +, store the enhancement
enhance[i] = 0
if (attackNoBrackets[i].charAt(0)=== "+") {
enhance[i] = parseInt(attackNoBrackets[i].charAt(1),10);
attackNoBrackets[i] = attackNoBrackets[i].slice(1);
if (enhance[i] > 0) {
mwk[i] = 1
} else {
mwk[i] = 0
attackString = attackNoBrackets[i].match(/\+(\d+)/g);
attackValues = [""]
for (n=0; n<attackString.length; n++) {
attackValues[n] = parseInt(attackString[n].replace("+",""),10);
if (threatenString === null) {
threatenString = [20,20]
if (critMultString === null) {
critMultString = ["/x2",2]
//define the parts of the attack formula (header, body, footer)
abiStrAttackHeader = "/e @{Selected|Token_Name} attacks with "+attackName[1]+"!!!";
abiStrAttack = "";
for (j = 0; j< attackString.length;j++) {
abiStrAttack = abiStrAttack + "\nAttack "+(j+1)+": [[1d20 "+attackString[j]+"]]"
abiStrAttackFooter = "\nCrit on "+threatenString[1]+critMultString[0]+", "+reach+"ft Range)";
//add the ability with the concatenated formula string
abilityAttackString = abiStrAttackHeader + abiStrAttack + abiStrAttackFooter;
addAbility(attackName[1], abilityAttackString, charID)
//define the parts of the damage formula (Header, Body, Footer)
abiStrDamageHeader = "/e @{Selected|Token_name}'s "+ attackName[1] + " damage";
abiStrDamage = "\nTotal: [[(?{Hits-Landed|0}*"+dmgDiceNum+")d"+dmgDiceSides+"+?{Hits-Landed|0}*"+dmgDiceAdd+"+(?{Crits-Landed|0}*"+dmgDiceNum*critMultString[1]+")d"+dmgDiceSides+"+?{Crits-Landed|0}*"+dmgDiceAdd*critMultString[1]+")]] in ?{Hits-Landed|0} Hits and ?{Crits-Landed|0} Criticals.";
abiStrDamageFooter = "\n"+extraDice
abilityDamageString = abiStrDamageHeader + abiStrDamage + abiStrDamageFooter;
addAbility(attackName[1]+"-DMG", abilityDamageString, charID);
var attackType = 0
var damageAbility = 0
if (searchString === "Melee") {
attackType = "@{attk-melee}"
damageAbility = "@{STR-mod}"
} else if (searchString === "Ranged") {
attackType = "@{attk-ranged}"
attack = attackValues[0]-attackBonus - enhance[i]
//assumes all melee attacks use full str bonus...
damage = dmgDiceAdd -dmgBonus - enhance[i]
// add repeating weapon X attributes (enhance = 1 and masterwork by default at this point
var repeatNum = i+repeatStartNum;
return attackNoBrackets.length
on('chat:message', function (msg) {
// Only run when message is an api type and contains "!PathfinderImport"
if (msg.type == 'api' && msg.content.indexOf('!PathfinderImport') !== -1) {
if (!(msg.selected && msg.selected.length > 0)) return; // Make sure there's a selected object
var token = getObj('graphic', msg.selected[0]._id);
if (token.get('subtype') != 'token') return; // Don't try to set the light radius of a drawing or card
//************* START CREATING CHARACTER****************
// get notes from token
var originalGmNotes = token.get('gmnotes');
var gmNotes = token.get('gmnotes');
//strip string with function
gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%3C/table%3E", "%3Cbr");
gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%3C/h1%3E", "%3Cbr");
gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%3C/h2%3E", "%3Cbr");
gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%3C/h3%3E", "%3Cbr");
gmNotes = stripString(gmNotes, "%3C/h4%3E", "%3Cbr");
//break the string down by line returns
var data = gmNotes.split("%3Cbr");
//clean any characters excepting text and hyperlinks
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
data[i] = cleanUpString(data[i]);
data[i] = removeLinks(data[i]);
if (data[i][0]===">")
data[i] = data[i].replace(">","");
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i] !== null){
data[i] = data[i].trim();
var charName = data[0].trim();
// check if the character entry already exists, if so error and exit.
var CheckSheet = findObjs({
_type: "character",
name: charName
if (CheckSheet.length > 0) {
sendChat("ERROR", "This character already exists.");
//Create character entry in journal, assign token
var character = createObj("character", {
avatar: token.get("imgsrc"),
name: charName,
bio: token.get('gmnotes'),
gmnotes: token.get('gmnotes'),
archived: false
var charID = character.get('_id');
token.set("represents", charID);
//Determine and enter CR
var Header = data[0].split("CR");
var tokenName = Header[0].trim();
var CR = Header[1];
//split and enter XP
var xpHeader = data[1].split(" ");
var XP = xpHeader[1];
//race, class, level
var raceMatch = data[2].match(/(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\d+)/)
if( raceMatch!= null) {
var race = raceMatch[1],
className = raceMatch[2],
classLevel = raceMatch[3];
AddAttribute("class-0-name",className +" "+ classLevel,charID)
// Alignment, Size, Type
var sizesWithSpace = "Fine ,Diminutive ,Tiny ,Small ,Medium ,Large ,Huge ,Gargantuan ,Colossal ";
var sizesArray = sizesWithSpace.split(",");
for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++)
if (findString(data, sizesArray[i], true) !== undefined)
var sizeLine = findString(data, sizesArray[i], true);
//get subtype before destroying string
var subType = getSubStr(sizeLine, "(", ")");
//remove the brackets and anything between them, trim the string,
//create the array split at spaces, then assign the alignment to the sheet.
var typeArray = stripStringRegEx(sizeLine, "(", ")");
typeArray = typeArray.trim();
typeArray = typeArray.split(" ");
// apparently i have to convert size into a value?
var sizes = ["Fine","Diminutive","Tiny","Small","Medium","Large","Huge","Gargantuan","Colossal"];
var sizeTable = [8,4,2,1,0,-1,-2,-4,-8];
var sizeNum = sizeTable[sizes.indexOf(typeArray[1])];
// concatenate type and subtype to put into the text box
var bothTypes= typeArray[2].concat(" (" , subType , ")");
//*****ATTRIBUTE SCORES***************
//find the element in the data array that the title "Statistics" occurs in
var statsElementNumber = data.indexOf("STATISTICS");
//the actual attribute scores are in the element after the heading
var stats = data[statsElementNumber+1];
stats = stats.split(",");
//assign attribute scores by removing non numerical characters from the stats array elements
var strength = stats[0].replace(/\D/g,"");
var dexterity = stats[1].replace(/\D/g,"");
var constitution = stats[2].replace(/\D/g,"");
var intelligence = stats[3].replace(/\D/g,"");
var wisdom = stats[4].replace(/\D/g,"");
var charisma = stats[5].replace(/\D/g,"");
// define attribute modifiers used in other sections
var strMod = getAbilityMod(strength);
var dexMod = getAbilityMod(dexterity);
var conMod = getAbilityMod(constitution);
var intMod = getAbilityMod(intelligence);
var wisMod = getAbilityMod(wisdom);
var chaMod = getAbilityMod(charisma);
// place attribute scores in NPC sheet
//find and store initiative bonus, Senses
var initArray = findString(data, "Init", true);
initArray = initArray.split(",");
var initiative = initArray[0];
initiative = initiative.replace(/\D/g,"");
var initBonus = initiative - dexMod;
initArray[0] = initArray[0].replace(" Senses ","");
//************ Auras ****************
var aurasLine = findString(data, "Aura", true);
if (aurasLine != null)
aurasLine = aurasLine.replace("Aura ","");
//*****AC Breakdown**************
var acLine = findString(data, "AC ", true);
var acBreakdown = getSubStr(acLine,"(",")" );
acBreakdown = acBreakdown.slice(1);
acBreakdown = stripString(acBreakdown,"-","+") //if there is a size or dex penalty with -, change to + for time being, remove later
var acSeparate = acBreakdown.split("+");
var acNumOnly = acBreakdown.split("+");
acNumOnly = removeNonNumericFromArray(acNumOnly);
var acSeparateNames = removeNumbersFromArray (acSeparate);
var armorIndex = acSeparateNames.indexOf("armor");
var shieldIndex = acSeparateNames.indexOf("shield");
var deflectIndex = acSeparateNames.indexOf("deflection");
var dodgeIndex = acSeparateNames.indexOf("dodge");
var naturalIndex = acSeparateNames.indexOf("natural");
var acSizeIndex = acSeparateNames.indexOf("size");
//If the search found that armour in the breakdown, put that value in the
//NPC sheet and add the values used to acFromNamed in order to determine
// the total miscellenous armour bonus
var acFromNamed = 0
if (armorIndex != -1) {
acFromNamed = acFromNamed + acNumOnly[armorIndex];
if (shieldIndex != -1) {
acFromNamed = acFromNamed + acNumOnly[shieldIndex];
if (deflectIndex != -1) {
acFromNamed = acFromNamed + acNumOnly[deflectIndex];
if (dodgeIndex != -1) {
acFromNamed = acFromNamed + acNumOnly[dodgeIndex];
if (naturalIndex != -1) {
acFromNamed = acFromNamed + acNumOnly[naturalIndex];
var natural = acNumOnly[naturalIndex];
//puts any other AC bonuses than the named into MISC
var ac = 0;
if (sizeNum >= 0) {
ac = sumArray(acNumOnly)+10; // if creature has + size AC bonus then simple
else {
ac = sumArray(acNumOnly)+10 + 2*sizeNum;
// if creature has - size AC bonus then the array summed incorrectly (added instead of subtracted)
// correct by subtracting double
if (dexMod <= 0){
ac = ac + dexMod*2; //correct for negative dex bonuses
// every other type of AC bonus than those named reports to misc
var miscAC = ac - (10 + acFromNamed +sizeNum + dexMod);
//**************** Health ************************
var hpArray = findString(data, "hp ", true);
hpArray = stripStringRegEx(hpArray, "(", ")");
hpArray = hpArray.split(" ");
var HP = hpArray[1];
//**************** Saves ************************
var savesLine = findString(data, "Fort ", true);
var savesArray = savesLine.split(",");
savesNum = removeNonNumericFromArray(savesArray);
var fortitude = savesNum[0];
var reflex = savesNum[1];
var willpower = savesNum[2];
var savesArrayExtra = savesLine.split(",");
var fortBonus = fortitude - conMod;
var refBonus = reflex - dexMod;
var willBonus = willpower - wisMod;
//************ Defensive Abilities ****************
var defenseLine = findString(data, "Defensive Abilities", true);
if (defenseLine != null)
defenseLine = defenseLine.replace("Defensive Abilities ","");
//**************** Weaknesses *******************
var weakLine = findString(data, "Weaknesses ", true);
if (weakLine != null)
var weaknesses = weakLine.replace("Weaknesses ","");
//************ Damage Resistance ****************
var drLine = findString(data, "DR ", true);
if (drLine != null) {
var damageResist = drLine.match(/DR (\d+\/\w+)/);
//************ Immunities **********************
var immuneLine = findString(data, "Immune ", true);
if (immuneLine != null) {
immuneLine = immuneLine.replace(/SR .*/,"");
var immune = immuneLine.match(/Immune (.*);*?/)
//************ Spell resistance ****************
var srLine = findString(data, "SR ", true);
if (srLine != null) {
var sr = srLine.match(/SR (\d+)/)
//*************** Speed ***********************
var speedStr = findString(data, "Speed ", true);
if (speedStr != null)
{ //make two arrays, one with values and the other with speed types
speedStr = speedStr.replace("Speed ","");
var maneuver = getSubStr(speedStr, "(", ")");
var speedArray = stripStringRegEx(speedStr, "(", ")");
speedArray = speedArray.replace(/ft./g,"");
speedArray = speedArray.replace(/ /g,"");
var speedNums = speedArray.split(",");
var speedTypes = speedArray.split(",");
speedNums = removeNonNumericFromArray (speedNums);
speedTypes = removeNumbersFromArray (speedTypes);
//determine the index of each speed type (-1 if type not found)
var burrowSpeedIndex = speedTypes.indexOf("burrow");
var climbSpeedIndex = speedTypes.indexOf("climb");
var flySpeedIndex = speedTypes.indexOf("fly");
var swimSpeedIndex = speedTypes.indexOf("swim");
if (burrowSpeedIndex != -1) {
if (climbSpeedIndex != -1) {
if (flySpeedIndex != -1) {
if (swimSpeedIndex != -1) {
//*********** Space, Reach & Reach Notes **********
// find line containing "Space"
var space = "",
reach = "";
var reachLine = findString(data, "Space ", true);
if (reachLine != null)
//get subtype before destroying string
var reachNotes = getSubStr(reachLine, "(", ")");
var reachArray = stripStringRegEx(reachLine, "(", ")");
var reachNums = reachArray.split(",");
reachNums = removeNonNumericFromArray (reachNums);
space = reachNums[0];
reach = reachNums[1];
space = 5
reach = 5
//*********** BASE ATTACK BONUS **************
var babArray = findString(data, "Base Atk", true);
babArray = babArray.split(",");
var babNum = removeNonNumericFromArray(babArray);
//************ MELEE ATTACK *******************
// ParseAttack syntax:
// ParseAttack(text to search, string to look for, attack bonus, damage bonus, reach, repeat number, charID)
var numMeleeAttacks = parseAttack(data,"Melee", (babNum[0] + strMod), strMod, reach, 0, charID);
//************ RANGED ATTACK *******************
var numRangedAttacks = parseAttack(data,"Ranged",(babNum[0] + dexMod),0, reach,numMeleeAttacks,charID);
//*********** Special Attacks ****************
var specAtks = findString(data, "Special Attacks", true);
if (specAtks != null) {
specAtks = specAtks.replace("Special Attacks ","");
//*********** Before and During Combat ************
var beforeCombat = findString(data, "Before Combat", true);
if (duringCombat != null) {
beforeCombat = beforeCombat.replace("Before Combat ","");
var duringCombat = findString(data, "During Combat", true);
if (duringCombat != null) {
duringCombat = duringCombat.replace("During Combat ","");
//**************** FEATS **********************
var feats = findString(data, "Feats ", true);
if (feats!= null){
feats = feats.replace("Feats ","");
feats = feats.trim();
feats = feats.split(",");
for (i=0; i<feats.length ; i++) {
var skillsLine = findString(data, "Skills", true);
if (skillsLine != null)
skillsLine = skillsLine.replace("Skills ","");
skillsLine = stripString(skillsLine, " +", "");
var skillsBrackets = getSubStr(skillsLine,"(", ")");
var skillsNoBrackets = stripStringRegEx(skillsLine,"(", ")");
var skillsTotal = skillsNoBrackets.split(",")
var skillsName = skillsNoBrackets.split(",")
skillsTotal = removeNonNumericFromArray (skillsTotal);
skillsName = removeNumbersFromArray (skillsName);
//make the arrays that are used to find out the relevant skill attribute
var skillsAll = "Acrobatics,Appraise,Bluff,Climb,Craft,Diplomacy,Disable Device,Disguise,Escape Artist,Fly,Handle Animal,Heal,Intimidate,Knowledge (Arcana),Knowledge (Dungeoneering),Knowledge (Engineering),Knowledge (Geography),Knowledge (History),Knowledge (Local),Knowledge (Nature),Knowledge (Nobility),Knowledge (Planes),Knowledge (Religion),Linguistics,Perception,Perform,Profession,Ride,Sense Motive,Sleight of Hand,Spellcraft,Stealth,Survival,Swim,Use Magic Device";
skillsAll = skillsAll.split(",");
var modsAll = "dex,int,cha,str,int,cha,dex,cha,dex,dex,cha,wis,cha,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,wis,cha,wis,dex,wis,dex,int,dex,wis,str,cha";
modsAll = modsAll.split(",");
//go through each skill, determine its total score, then determine the total ranks using the relevant modifer.
for (var i = 0; i < skillsTotal.length; i++)
{ var nameStr = ""
if (skillsName[i] != "Craft" && skillsName[i] != "Knowledge" && skillsName[i] != "Perform" && skillsName[i] != "Profession")
var skillAtr = modsAll[skillsAll.indexOf(skillsName[i])]; //look up the corresponding attribute for the current skill
var mod = 0;
switch (skillAtr)
case "str":
mod = strMod;
case "dex":
mod = dexMod;
case "con":
mod = conMod;
case "int":
mod = intMod;
case "wis":
mod = wisMod;
case "cha":
mod = chaMod;
var skillRank = skillsTotal[i] - mod;
nameStr = stripString(skillsName[i], " ", "-");
var fullNameStr = nameStr.concat("-misc");
//output skill to char sheet
//********** LANGUAGES, SQ, GEAR*****************
var languageStr = findString(data, "Languages", true);
if (languageStr != null) {
languageStr = languageStr.replace("Languages ","");
var sqStr = findString(data, "SQ ", true);
if (sqStr != null) {
sqStr = sqStr.replace("SQ ","")
var gearStr = findString(data, "Combat Gear", true);
if (gearStr != null) {
gearStr = gearStr.replace("Combat Gear ","");
gearStr = gearStr.split("Other Gear");
//**************** sets Token Name, Health, linked AC ******************
token.set("name", tokenName||'');
token.set("showname", true);
token.set("bar3_value", HP||0);
token.set("bar3_max", HP||0);
token.set("bar2_value", ac||0);
token.set("showplayers_bar3", true);